Chapter 48

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Ten's POV

I'm camping by my phone again, waiting for Yeona to text me. It's been a while... Hopefully the plan didn't backfire or anything. Suddenly, the sound of our doorbell ringing resonates through the dorm, interrupting my thoughts.

Jumping up from my bed, I somehow manage to make it to our door before the rest of the group, even if I was the furthest away from it. I'm about to open it, then pause. "What if it's Haeyoung?"

"Look through the peephole, dummy," Yangyang responds as he approaches me. A little embarrassed, I peer through the small hole in the door and see Yeona standing in the hallway, waving as if she knows we're looking at her.

"Yeona!" I exclaim, throwing open the door with a little more excitement than I meant to show. "How did it go?"

"I hope you don't mind me randomly intruding, but I thought that I would come to your dorm to tell the story instead of doing it over text," she explains with a sheepish smile. "Oh, and it went amazingly."

Her words are somehow heard by the whole dorm, because the group comes rushing to the living room as if they're little children and it's story time.

Louis and Leon are obviously looking for Luna, making Yeona say, "I'll get her for the two of you after this."

Once we're all settled in the living room, Yeona starts talking. "Alright, here we go. The Extermination of Haerat." Surprisingly, her words don't send us into yelling or cheering. Probably because we're too excited to hear the actual story to interrupt, but it's still impressive.

"So what happened first was, she was at the door asking the question again, right? Then I approached her and told them I had seen WayV recently. Once I showed her the picture and gave her the directions, it was already a done deal," Yeona explains.

Kun's eyes widen. "She really believed you that easily?"

"Sorry, not everyone is smart like you," Yangyang mutters, triggering a "That's not what I meant! And respect your elders!" from Kun.

"Yeah, she's gullible like that. It's so weird, all I had to do was show her a picture and it was all over," Yeona responds.

I nod, tapping my fingers on the carpet with impatience. "Did you get her fired?"

"Yeah. The manager of the café did her weekly visit today, so I just rallied up the workers and had them complain to her. It wasn't even that hard, because she had already caught Haeyoung standing at the door. Once we had complained to her as a whole, she had her fired," Yeona finishes.

Now that her story is finally done, we erupt into cheers. We've gotten rid of another sasaeng, and that's a pretty difficult accomplishment.

"Everybody say Thank You Yeona!"
"Thank you Yeona!"
"Aw, I wish I could have been there."
"Did anyone film it?"
"What happened to Thank You Yeona?"
"Right, Thank you Yeona!"

I start wondering how the girl reacted and decide to ask about it. "How did Haeyoung react, though?" I imagine her yelling angrily, screaming with fury that she's been exposed, but I don't think that's what happened.

"Funny thing is, she didn't even look that upset. My guess is that she had already created a plan to move to the other café," Yeona explains. "To be honest, her getting fired probably acted as another push for her to move."

I laugh. "That's disturbing. Thank goodness she's gone." After a pause, I add, "No, but seriously, thank you so much," I tell her.

She responds with a small smile, looking down at the carpet. "Of course."


that was a pretty fun bedtime story-

now that haerat is out of the way, we all know what comes next ;)

Thanks for reading!

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