Chapter 23

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Yeona's POV

Not gonna lie, I'm super nervous right now. Tae is going to be arriving in five minutes, unless he's the type of person to be early to all events, in which case he'll be even earlier.

I didn't have many preparations to make, as I'm pretty sure that my apartment is already as clean as it can physically get. The only thing I did was take my cat treats out of a kitchen cabinet and arrange them on my coffee table. Now I'm sitting on the sofa, waiting for him to arrive.

The meetup is at my apartment because, well, Luna lives here. I also don't think I'm ready to take her to someone else's house, especially if that someone is a social butterfly who lives with a bunch of his friends.

I thought about whether or not I wanted Louis and Leon to come along, then decided against it. Luna hasn't met any new people or cats for months, which is mostly my fault, so I want to let her get used to Tae before I introduce her to his cats.

Ding dong!

There it is. The doorbell. He's here.

I jump up from the sofa, trying to calm down my heart. I swing the door open, revealing Tae in the corridor. "Hey Yeona!"

"Hi Tae," I greet him, thankfully managing not to stutter. I know I've said this a million times before, but my social skills need improvement. And quickly.

Before either one of us says something else, I hear a thump from behind me and turn around to see Luna running towards Tae. I step aside with a laugh so she can get to him. "Look, Luna left her window spot to greet you."

Tae laughs, bending down to pet her. "Well, I'd say she's pretty curious about me if she did that. But seriously, Luna is adorable."

"If you ever get to experience her waking you up and refusing to let you sleep, you'll be rethinking that," I joke. 

Thankfully, Tae actually understands my weird sense of humor and laughs. "Oh, so Luna is a clingy one in the morning, too. Louis and Leon are the same. They take their roles as personal alarm clocks very seriously."

"Anyways, you can leave your shoes there," I tell him, pointing towards the area by my door. We then proceed further into my apartment.

I can tell that Tae is fairly impressed by it. "Wait, your apartment is actually so nice and clean. And well decorated."

"Thanks," I respond, glad that he likes it. I guess our inner artists are connecting over my home decor. I did put quite a bit of effort into it, since I spend the majority of my time holed up here.

"Oh, and your art is so pretty," he compliments, admiring the artwork framed and hung all around my living room.

I nod, "Yeah, art major things. I have a ton of random pieces from university. You know, you're really not bad, either."

"Oh wow, I'm honored," Tae laughs. His personality is starting to shine through, and I'm liking it.

For now, I feel like I'm doing decently with this socialization thing. I don't know, I just feel more comfortable when I'm in my own apartment, a place that I'm familiar with. And Tae isn't exactly a hard person to talk to, so I'd say I'm doing alright.

Then we sit down on my sofa, staring at the arrangement of treats in front of us.

"Alright, let's start training her," Tae suggests, beckoning for Luna to come to him. She goes running right up to him, surprising me. Tae sure has a way with cats.

This is going to be fun.



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