Chapter 3

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Yeona's POV

"Why can't I do this-"

I sigh defeatedly, staring in disappointment at my art tablet where I'm trying to draw something using a technique that I need to brush up on. And it isn't going too well.

Honestly, being a Digital Art major is pretty okay. It's actually quite enjoyable, expressing ideas through art and all, but there are just those times when you can't get it right, which is frustrating. And right now would be one of those times.

"Honestly, I'm gonna just move onto something else," I decide, refraining from throwing my art pen down and instead setting on the table in a civil way.

"Lunaaa," I call to the feline on my couch, curled up into a fluffy ball of fur. She doesn't stir, continuing to sleep the day away. Cats have it so easy.

I walk over to my windows and open one, letting the breeze flow into my apartment. It's a really warm day today. The weather must be transitioning over from winter to spring. Nice.

I check the time and realize that the morning is almost over, anyways, meaning that I don't need to force myself to pick up a new project and can instead have lunch, then head off to work.

Wow, life is tiring.

~Time Skip~

"Hey Yeona!" The voice of one of my coworkers greets me enthusiastically as I step into the café where I work.

"Hi," I respond with less enthusiasm as I put down my bag, tying on an apron and tightening my ponytail to get ready. "How are things going?"

The same coworker shrugs, calling out "Have a nice day!" to one of the customers leaving and then turning her attention back to me. "Eh, pretty normal, I'd say. You know, same customers, same this, same that."

"Same couple?" I ask, referring to one of the little inside things we have. There's this cute couple who's been coming to this café a few times each week for a month or two now. We've got a, well, an interesting bet going on with them.

I'm not super-involved in it, as I'm not a drama kind of person, but it is pretty interesting. I've also never actually seen the two of them, since I work the afternoon shift and they usually visit in the mornings, but I've heard a lot about them from the full-time workers here. And by a lot, I mean, a lot. Not a day goes by without me hearing at least a couple sentences about them.

Literally they day the couple first ordered here, I walked in on all of the workers in the back room placing bets on whether they would get together. The best part was that the two had literally just met and my coworkers were willing to put their salaries on the line... Quite reckless, if you ask me, but I'll let them do their thing.

Anyways, I heard a lot about them, on and off. Then this one week they stopped coming and everyone freaked out until they re-appeared again, but it's quite interesting.

This is all stuff that I hear from listening to background conversations and all, something that I do a lot, never really putting myself into any of them. I've learned a great deal of random information from this, well, eavesdropping, including the fact that they're named Winwin and Chunmei, not that it has anything to do with me.

Turns out, they did actually get together, so a couple of people lost their money, but it was all a funny process to hear about. And it's still going on, too, although not as seriously as it was before. This time it's whether or not they're going to get married. If I were into this stuff, I'd probably bet "yes", but I'm not, so I'll just watch people lose their money.

Even though nobody is betting against it, but it's alright.

"Good afternoon," I greet a customer, shaking my thoughts away and taking my place behind the cash register. My fingers fly over the familiar buttons as I take order after order, the same boring process.

My mind starts drifting elsewhere, as it does often when I'm here, since I don't really need to pay attention. I wonder how Luna's doing. Hopefully she's fine.

A few hours later, my shift is finally over. I say goodbye to a few of my coworkers, as I do every day, and then walk back to my apartment complex.

After taking the elevator up to my floor and unlocking my door, I swing it open to see Luna, sitting on my desk with her tail swishing behind her and staring out the window. This is a little bit unusual...

What could she possibly be looking at?


hA Translator things-

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