Chapter 7

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Yeona's POV

I'm on the floor again, waiting to see if the other human is going to respond. It's funny, I feel like they don't want to reveal themselves to me, either.

After a few minutes of them not responding, I check the time and decide to abandon my position to go eat. I'm not going to let a cat owner with a... well... an interesting sense of humor ruin my schedules and routines.

"Alright Luna, I'm gonna to make dinner now," I tell the feline, giving her a quick pat before getting myself away from the window.

The groceries I bought yesterday are nicely organized on the plastic shelves and in the drawers of my refrigerator. It's quite satisfying to look at, the organization and order in here, even if it's time consuming to organize.

"Right, these," I say to myself, taking out a bag of bean sprouts and settling down at the counter to pick the ends off.

To my surprise, Luna doesn't come to the kitchen. Usually, when I start preparing dinner, she takes it as a sign that I'm ready to feed her dinner and starts meowing. Yet today, it looks like she still hasn't moved from her perch at the window.

"Lunaaa," I call. "Are you really ignoring me for those two cats?" I decide to leave the bean sprouts for a moment and check on her. Nope, the cat still refuses to acknowledge my presence.

The white paper is still on the window screen of the other apartment. Looking a little closer, I realize that it's now a different sheet of paper with new words on it.

Hi! We're Louis and Leon, what's your name?

So this person really is out to start a conversation with me. Unfortunately for them, I'm not interested in doing anything social. I guess I'll respond, though, to be polite.

"Hmmm, what should I write?" I ask myself, detaching my sheet of paper from the window and flipping it over so I can re-use it. Yeah, I'm conservative like that, probably due to all my college fees and other expenses.

"Oh, I'll just answer the question," I laugh, taking the same black marker and writing "Hi, I'm Luna" in big bold letters.

I tape it to the window, then turn to my cat. "Luna, are you actually not going to eat? I guess I'll just set out your food for you and you can eat whenever you want, alright? Or are you going to follow me to the kitchen?"

Nope, she's not coming. I sigh, then open another can of cat food and empty it into her bowl, setting it down next to her water bowl. It's fine, I'll let my cat go be social in whatever way she wants to do it.

A breeze blows through the apartment, making me shiver a little. "Luna, it's getting cold, I might have to close the window!" I call.

Honestly, she's probably not planning to move from the window today. I don't have the heart to make her leave yet, not until I actually can't stand the cold any longer, so I go back to my bean sprout picking.

Every minute or so, I stand up to go check if the other owner has responded. I don't know why, but I'm sort of anticipating their reply? This is weird. 

Once I finish with the bean sprouts, I throw away the little ends and start boiling them in the water I set on the stove a few minutes ago.

The other owner still hasn't responded, and my apartment is getting seriously chilly. "Alright Luna, I'm sorry and please don't hate me for this, but I'm closing the window," I tell her, picking up my furry cat and shutting the window.

I then start feeling bad about leaving without saying anything, especially because the other owner's window is still open and their cats are still camping.

I decide to leave a second sign out as not to be rude. I think for a moment again, then write, "It's getting cold, but I'll be back tomorrow", then tape it to the screen and shut my window.

Luna stares up at me with the saddest look in her eyes. I almost open the window for her again, then tell myself that I can't give in to her.

Now to eat dinner and spend my evening being unproductive.


Imagine being able to cook-

Thanks for reading!

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