Chapter 47

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Yeona's POV

"The situation with Haeyoung is really getting out of hand," I hear one of my coworkers complaining as I enter the back room to grab my apron.

Another one nods in agreement. "I've been trying to hold up her portion of the work all week, and it's getting old. I couldn't even go on lunch break until just now. She needs to stop it."

My eyes widen with interest. They're complaining about Haeyoung, probably wishing that she could get fired... This is my chance.

"Honestly, I agree," I insert myself into the conversation, tying on my apron and redoing my hair. "I'm getting tired of her not doing work yet still getting paid."

The two workers voice their agreement, looking a little surprised by my sudden appearance. I take their nods as a good sign and continue, "It would be really nice it we could get her fired by the manager or something."

My words make their eyes light up. They exchange a look, before one of them says, "That's true. We should do that some time, because I can't take this for much longer."

"The manager is visiting in a few minutes, right?" I ask, checking the time. Sure enough, it's almost time for her to appear. If I don't get this done now, I'll have to deal with Haerat for another week, and I can't tolerate that.

Luckily for me, it seems like the rest of the workers can't take it either, because the one with brown hair says, "We could seriously get rid of her today. Whoa, if we all team up, we could really end out suffering!"

"Should we go for it?" I ask.

They exchange another look. I have a feeling that they both know the answer, that they both want to say yes, and are just checking with one another. My suspicion is confirmed when they answer, in perfect synchronization, "Sure!"

~Time Skip~

It's been a few minutes since I spoke to the workers in the back room. I've talked to the rest, making sure that Haeyoung doesn't hear, and they're all fully on board with the idea. It's a bit weird for an introvert like me to lead this operation, but it's for a good cause.

"She's gonna be here soon," I mutter to myself, waiting for the next customer to come in while simultaneously keeping an eye out for the woman who runs the shop.

As if on cue, she walks right in, a bright smile on her face. I can tell that Haeyoung wasn't expecting her, because she almost asks her the question about WayV, before realizing that the woman is the manager.

She is not in a good spot right now, and that puts us in a really good spot.

"Haeyoung, what are you doing at the door? I thought that you were supposed to be on the drinks, not on door watch, which isn't even a spot," our manager says, staring the girl down with her head tilted to the side.

Exchanging a single look with my coworkers, I launch into action. "Actually, she's been like this all week."

This is when my coworkers jump in. "She hasn't been doing any work, and won't listen when we ask her to actually focus on her job. All she does is stand at the door and ask people questions about some person she's looking for."

"Every day it gets harder for us to uphold her portion of the job, and she doesn't even care," another jumps in.

One by one, each of us voices our problems with Haeyoung, whether it's her question asking, or her laziness, or the fact that she's still getting paid. She can do nothing but stand there with a dumb smile on her face, as if that's going to be enough for the manager.

The café manager nods at our explanations, a thoughtful look on her face. Finally, she turns towards Haeyoung, her eyes narrowed.

"Haeyoung, you're fired."



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