Chapter 10

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Ten's POV

I rub my eyes, sitting up in bed. This is the first time in quite a while that I've woken up naturally without either my two fluffy alarm clocks or my phone alarm.

The phone alarm not ringing is understandable, as I didn't set it last night because we're on break. But Louis and Leon? Strange that they aren't waking me up as they usually do.

I look around the room and notice the two of them sitting on my desk, staring out the window. Right, of course they would be there. I also notice that Lucas is still fast asleep, meaning that I should be a considerate roommate and not wake him up on accident.

Excitement floods through my body as I stand up, tiptoeing towards my windows while putting my glasses on in the process. Has the girl responded?

It looks like she has. I'm a little surprised, considering that it's only 11 in the morning. She must wake up really early.

Actually, maybe I just wake up late.

That's definitely the more probable reason, but we don't need to talk about that. I rub my eyes again to clear my vision, then squint to read the word on the sign.


Good to know that she didn't completely abandon me because of the terrible "Meowning" pun that I made last night. I reach out to take another piece of paper, almost knocking down a pencil cup in the process. That would definitely have woken Lucas up.

What do people usually ask one another in the morning? What usually comes after "Good Morning"? Do I ask how she's doing?

I suddenly remember that I'm not doing this for myself, that I'm supposed to be getting Louis and Leon a new friend by pretending to be them. What would Louis and Leon ask a beautiful cat that they seem to love?

I decide on, "Meowning, how are you?", then tape the sign up while still making sure whoever the other person is can't see me. It's getting annoying having to constantly make sure my identity is kept a secret, but I guess it's a necessary thing to do.

After taping the sign up, I leave the bedroom to go use the bathroom, bumping into Yangyang in the hallway. "Oh. Morning, Yangyang."

"Morning Ten!" he greets me with much more enthusiasm. Then, as if he suddenly remembered something, he asks, "How are things with mystery girl and mystery cat going?"

"Very well. At least she hasn't stopped talking yet," I respond with a laugh. After using the bathroom and pouring myself a cup of water in the kitchen, I return to the room, excited to see if the other person has responded.

With a laugh, I read the new sign aloud to myself. "You should know, I was at the window for a lot of the night, but I had a few nice naps." This person seems to know their cat fairly well, as they're taking this impersonation thing quite seriously. Well, not impersonation, more like in-CAT-anation? No, I doubt that's a thing.

I want to know a little more about Luna's owner. I mean, after all, in order for Louis and Leon to befriend Luna, I have to know her owner pretty well, right?

"True. So how did your owner sleep?" I write, then tape this new sign up. After this message, our conversation starts flowing very smoothly, with both of us responding within a minute of the previous message. It's almost like texting.

As the words get smaller, I start using my phone as binoculars so I can actually read the signs. I assume that the other person is doing the same, unless they've somehow got amazing vision and can see every word I write.

This person doesn't seem to be very social. I don't know how I can tell, I just have a feeling. It's alright, though, as they're still fun to talk to. They also seem like a conservatory person, as after a while, they start using half sheets of paper, and then fourths.

True. So how did your owner sleep?

Moving a little fast, but she slept well.
How about yours?

He slept well too! Hm, what does your owner do?

She's a uni student, digital art major.
She complains a lot about how hard it is, but she likes it.

My owner likes drawing digitally, although it's just a hobby.

What's your owner's name?

I think fast, knowing better than to tell her my real name. After all, you don't find many people named Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul or Ten, and I don't feel like telling her my Korean or Chinese name either.

You can call him Tae
How about your owner?

Her name is Yeona
Alright you know what Yeona thinks we're wasting paper

Tae agrees

He wants to know if you want to move to text

Alright, I know I'm not supposed to give my number out to people, but this is a neighbor. I'll be perfectly fine.

Yeona says sure

I figure that I'm supposed to make the move and write my number down on a new sheet of paper.


Cool, talk to u there

I take the sign down and pull out my phone, adrenaline pumping through my veins.

This should be fun.


Look at our boy Ten making moves-

Thanks for reading!

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