Chapter 13

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Yeona's POV

I'm getting more and more immersed into the conversation. Honestly, Tae is such a cool person. And his cats, of course. They're supposedly the whole reason I'm doing this.

I glance at Luna, Louis, and Leon, still staring at each other through the windows. Alright, I'll leave them to do cat things while I do human socialization things for once in my life.

We've moved on to the discussion of hobbies. And, as expected, Tae has some very interesting ones. Specifically, singing, dancing, art, and training  his cats.

I take another look at Luna. "Luna," I say, wondering if she'll respond. She turns for one second to give me a look, then turns right back to the window. At least she knows her name. Or, at least, I think she does. Does this mean she's trainable?

The funny thing is, even after all the research I've done on how to make cats happy, it's never occurred to me that I should try training them for what the internet calls "mental stimulation". I've always thought her growing collection of toys would be enough, but maybe I should introduce something new to her.

The issue is, I have no idea how this is supposed to work. I don't want to overfeed her and make her fat... I mean, big... but at the same time, I want her to be happy and enjoy the training process, you know?

As if Tae has read my mind, he sends a message that aligns exactly with my thoughts.

i can help u some time if u want

Something flares inside my heart, as if this was what I wanted him to do. Nope. No, Yeona, you are not getting attached to a random stranger. Not gonna happen.

Still, I can't help but wonder what this means. Training cats requires in-person interaction, right? Or at least a FaceTime kind of thing? Yeah, I'm not sure if I'm ready for that yet.

But at the same time, it would be good for me, right? And maybe Luna would get to meet Louis and Leon in the process?

Do I accept or reject? 

I weigh the decision in my head, jumping between both options at lighting speed. My fingers follow along, typing out a message, then backspacing, they typing out a new one, backspacing, and repeating the process again.

idk if I can|
i'm kinda busy|
not sure if i trust u enough|
i'll think about it|

This is just a random offer that he made. Why am I overthinking it so much?

It occurs to me that I'm probably worrying Tae by constantly typing out messages. I'm just gonna go for it, I tell myself, making my decision in a split second.

sure that would be cool

Alright, I did it. That was way more complicated than it needed to be.


I notice that he doesn't try to arrange the meeting right away or ask a lot of questions about it. I appreciate that a lot. I'm going to assume that he's considering my thoughts about this and making sure not to push me until I'm comfortable, which is pretty nice of him.

This is definitely one of the nicest humans I've met in a long time.

are u on break for uni?

summer break
it's quite enjoyable

mhm definitely less work

it's a lot more laid back than the school year
just maintaining skills and my part-time job

what part time job do u work?

i work at the cafe down the street

oh i know that one
my friend rly likes it

oiii ur friend has good taste
yeah it's a pretty nice place

Although we've only been talking for a few minutes, I realize that it's time for me to start eating lunch so my schedule doesn't get messed up. I'm already later for it than usual, and don't want to be late to the café too.

well I should go eat lunch now

it was fun talking to you :)

mhm same


Honestly, that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Although, that's most likely because Tae carried the whole conversation and all I had to do was answer his questions and repeat them. Though I'd count that as socializing.

Still, I need to recharge my social battery after that.


Thanks for reading!

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