27- Percy

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Nico filled me in on what Persephone said. About contacting Delphi, well Rachel. I decided I would do it in a few days. For now, more training and working with the avengers.

Yay, exercise. Please note my sarcasm.

There is an indoor pool in the basement. This place is strange. Whatever.

Tony decided that today was the best day to show him what we've got. And it starts with me because I'm the easiest and Nico refused to raise the dead on a whim for them.

The pool is the typical 25 yards with five lanes and a deeper section for dive training. I decide to just go for it, most of the avengers are there to watch. I leap into the deep end of the pool and sink to the bottom. Its only 17 feet deep, not much to me. I decide to just sit there for awhile, crisscross.

But you know me, I get bored so then, like the totally normal and not completely extra person I am, I torpedo upwards and use the water to lift me all the way to the ceiling, where I grab onto a large support beam and hang from it upside down. I let the water drop, creating a massive splash the drenched anyone unlucky enough to be in the sash zone. So Tony, Steve, Red, Arrow boy, Speedy, and Sammy. Wanda used some sort of red energy thing to protect herself.

I laugh at them from where I'm at. I get a string of very colorful words in response.

"I had to!" I yell at them, smiling.

"No you didn't," Sam grunts. What does he even do anyway? Actually, what do most of them do? I really need to know more about them. I know Red has anger issues and a possible knife fetish. Clint is arrow boy. Steve is Mr. Patriot or whatever and fights with a sheild. And Tony is a robot.

"Get down here, clearly your hydro abilities are strong," Tony remarks, trying to squeeze the water off his shirt.

I cannon ball into the water then bring myself out of the pool, completely dry. Then I decide to play nice and pull the water from their clothes, throwing it back into the pool.

I earn a few mumbled thanks before we move on. We head back up to the lounge. I plop down on the couch, bored again.

"So, sea spawn, what else can you do?" Natasha questions. This piques the groups interest once again.

"Well I can talk to horses, and fish. So thats fun. You know, sharks aren't as mean as people say, they get a bad rep," I reply simply.

"Why horses."Clint questions from his spot on the counter. Seriosuly dude, can you stop sitting on things we eat on or out of? My mother would have your head.

"Dad is the god of horses,"


"Fair enough. I can also talk to horse like creatures, like pegesi," I think of Blackjack, how its been awhile since I actually paid him a visit. I still owe that weirdo donuts.

"Those exist. Like the ones from there Hercules movie?" Tony questions.

"Yeab. Well, yeah. So that movie was super inaccurate but yes there are pegsi, or is it Pegasuses? Anyway yes bird horses. And Satyrs, nymphs, labrynths, Medusa, the whole shebang," I answer. Wow, cutting of Snake Lady's head seems like a lifetime ago.

"And we can see them because of magic?" Steve asks, saying magic as if it was some foreign concept.

"We call it the Mist. It was created by Hecate, a veil that sheilds mortals from our world. We can bring you through, but I need help with that. I'm not a magic practitioner. So I either need Hecate or a demigod that can manipulate the mist. Luckily, I have a good friend who can do it. But I don't know how long it will be until I see her again. First I need to inform Chiron about everything, then I need to get Nico, see my old pal Rachel for a prophecy, and then, maybe, we can get Hazel," I explain. Its all very lengthy. And though we did explain that all of the mythology exists, we didn't really explain much about the seven, or how camp works.

"Right. Okay. Thats a lot," Steve says slowly. Poor, poor mortals.

"Yeah tell me about it."

"And who is this Hazel? You said she can do magic? Is she like me?" Wanda questions, a small glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"Yeah, she's Nico's half sister. A child of the roman God pluto. She can manipulate the earth a bit, bring up some cursed precious gems and metals, and manipulate the mist. But I don't think she can do your kind of magic," I say. What kind of magic is it anyway?

"This is confusing," Clint grumbles.

I smirk.

Its  then when Thor decides to join the party, he comes and goes a lot, I've noticed. I wonder what he's up to.

"I have returned!" He announces loudly. How long was he gone? How did I not notice the literal god left the building?

"Inside voices point break," Tony tells him.

"I spoke with Heimdall regarding the mad titan. He told me there have been whispers about a being called the Other, or Thanos. I will know more but there are conditions coming with such information," the god says. I notice he isn't in his casual wear, no he is in armor, most be asgardian.

"Conditions?" Steve questions.

"Yes. The one with the most information on this beast is my brother. And his request is to explain it in person," t
Thor announces.

After that all Hades broke loose.

Hi readers!!! I'm back.

I read through the story and finally figured out the plot and such. Please ask any questions you may have. I know the story jumps around a lot, its kind of a big puzzle.

I know this update isn't super long but the story is moving slowly and I wanted to put something out after being away so long. As you may know, I am in college, and I started this story like 3 or 4 years ago now. But I still have a lot of love in my heart for Percy Jackson and the Avengers and I want to finish this.

So I will try my best! Please comment any story suggestions you have. Is there something you would like to see?

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