28- Avengers

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No one could believe what was coming out of Thor's mouth. The teenagers looked unphased, but entertained. Nico walked in yawning, Will behind him, to see what all the yelling was about.

"Whats the big deal guys." Percy questions. Personally, he's never met Loki, he has heard stories but processing all that is just different.

"Loki tried to take over the world and destroyed half of New York. He also almost killed us," Natasha says bluntly.

"Oh. Yeah I remember meeting some of the people he killed. They aren't happy," Nico says, his hand on his chin in thought. "Although honestly, all of this mixing mythologies is probably more confusing to the dead than anything else. One dude was like, whoa loki killed me, why am I getting judged by hades?"

"I can see how that would be conflicting," Thor humms.

"We're getting off topic," Natasha grumbles. "Why the hell would we let loki out of prison?"

"I will take him back as soon as the information is given. Honestly I'm not sure why he wants to tell you all in person."

"I kinda wanna meet loki," Percy says.

"Did you not hear the part where he tried to take over the world?" Tony questions.

"Yeah, yeah, I've dealt with a titan trying to do that and a primordial. Some god of micheif doesn't really match up. And if he has information on the dude, why not just get it and go?" Percy replies simply.

"For once I agree with kelp head here. This is time sensitive. We need this done fast," Nico adds.

"We do not know where this Other is and thus we do not who when he may invade Midgard," Thor says. The God puts a hand on his chin, pondering.

The rest of the avengers seem uncertain. The twins are confused, neither knowing much about Loki. "If he tries anything I can stop him," Wanda decided. Her power has been unmatched so far. And she really doesn't know enough about it but she does have the confidence to rip apart a god.

"You scare me witch lady," Percy mumbles. Coming from hom says a lot.

"Thanks," she mumbles.

By now most all of the avengers were in the room, conversing a plan.  "We still a lot to do. We need to give you all sight through the mist. And we need to talk to Loki. So we need to stop bickering and get it done," Percy decides. His words are harsh but his tone of voice shows no malace. The boy runs his hands through his black hair, it has grown out a bit in the past year, he hadn't really bothered to cut it which means his bangs were constantly in his face.

The team agrees, some fairly reluctant. But the decision is made and Thor once again leaves. Percy watches as a rainbow light envelopes the man outside, it reminds him of Iris.

And now it was on to Percy and Nico to either contact Hecate or Hazel to fix the mist. On top of that the avengers need some celestial bronze or stygian steel to fight the monsters. Nico decides he would be better off getting the magic users and Percy could travel and get some metals.

The first part of the mission is under way.

Now in his room, Percy uses his sink to create a misty rainbow and tosses the coin of choice in. "Oh dear fleecy, could you please show me Chiron?" He asks in a sing songy voice.

Chrion appears, he's in the big house, clearly in the kitchen drinking some coffee.

"Percy?" He questions.

"Hey! So fun stuff, another world ending event, possibly. Anyways I'm gonna need some extra weapons or metals. Are there any extras at camp? Or could you get some more metals?" Percy asks quickly, a bit impatient.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Back up, World ending event?" Chiron asks.

"So you know how the gods have gone AWOL? Well they're all kinda hiding away because I think there is this alien thing who might be able to hurt them? And that alien may be able to ally with some monsters. We don't know a lot yet but the mortals Nico and I are working with should have some mystical protection just in case," Percy explains

"Thats... a lot?"

"Yeah. So you have stuff or?"

"I'll see what I can muster up and I will get back to you by tomorrow," Chiron replies, Percy watches through the IM as his mentor runs his hand down his face in exasperation.

"Thanks! See ya Chi!" Then Percy swipes the mist.

So much work to be done.

Meanwhile the rest of the avengers were doing their respective prep, Tony working on new armor, Thor off to asguard to retrieve loki.

Thor, as soon as he zip zapped his way from Midgard to asgard, through a rainbow thing that completely defies physics, he embraces his old pal Heimdall in a hug. The two say their niceties, and Heimdall gives him his warnings of Loki's intention.

Honestly Thor was a bit frustrated with the cycle at this point. But none the less the god flies to the palace and ignores everyone on his way to the dungeons.

Loki sits peacefully reading, a new book, who knows how he got it. "I've been expecting you,"

"Yes! Of course brother! The avengers welcome you so long as you aid us in destroying the other!" Thor booms, a smile on his face.

Loki rolls his eyes at his brother, its like looking at a puppy.

"Of course. I trust you will take me to Midgard then?"

"Yes. No escaping. You will have to wear these for the time being. I apologize," Thor holds up a pair of silver bracelets, something enchanted by their motber years ago. The things would block his magic, and only Thor could remove them.

"Predictable," the younger brother grumbles.

The magical field surrounding Loki lowers, and he wears the bracelets, not before magically changing his clothes though to his typical green and black attire. He didn't have time to add the horned helm but that was fine, at least he was somewhat stylish.

The brothers make a speedy retreat to the bifrost, completely avoiding any staff or even the three warriors, and Sif.

They leave as quick as Thor came, which might be a problem considering the Demigods would need much more time completing their own tasks.

But it was fine. It was all fine (no its not).

The brothers leave another burned sigil on the grass and enter the compound.

And then they entered the common room.

Oh the commotion.

Percy Jackson is currently making water figurines, then throwing them at Pietro, who dodged, which means there are several wet spots on the floor.

Then Bruce who is sipping coffee like his sanity depends on it.

Natasha is attempting to braid Wanda's hair while Tony and Steve argue over the difference between Dutch and French braids.

Thor welcomes this typical chaos while Lovki thinks that if he rolls his eyes any harder he would see his brain.

"We have returned!" Thor announces.

Everything stops.

"Oh. I was kinda hoping he would look cooler," Percy shrugs...

Aaaaaa i did it. Sorry this took so long I'm doing a lot right now.

Hope you enjoy, this is very obviously unedited.

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