23 Percy

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In a solid 30 minutes I set up a table and two chairs on the roof. The only light is the candle, which is miraculously staying lit despite the wind. Flower petals are scattered about, not roses but close enough. The table cloth is actually my bedroom curtain and the chairs are metal fold out ones but it's nice enough. I kind of figured out how to use the building voice thing. F.R.I.D.A.Y is really cool. She was able to get me italian food. Well I think someone cooked it but I accepted none the less.

The sun is so low the sky is painted orange and pink. Its perfect.

Finally, Wise Girl walls up the stairs and I see her open the door to the roof top. Her curly blond hair is tucked into a neat braid. She looks stunning in her jeans and long sleeved, dark blue top. Her eyes, oh gods her eyes, they are the most gorgeous things to exist. The way the grey is reflecting the sunset, it's a work of art.

"What are you staring at Seaweed Brain?" She asks. From time to time I pinch myself, I must be dreaming because how can I be with a girl this amazing?

"You," I reply. I pull out a chair for her to come sit, then i take my place at our little table.

"I feel underdressed," Annabeth says and laughs.

"We are practically wearing the same thing," I reply. I glance down at my blue graphic t-shirt, it's got a big fish on it. I'm also wearing denim pants and some sneakers. I don't even own fancy clothes. I've been to a great wedding when I was young and one funeral... maybe I don't remember. But I was a kid. I witnessed one camp wedding but everyone was in shorts and flip flops. The only thing fancy was our mismatched battle armor on our top halves. It was a strange wedding.

Its quiet for a long time while we eat. Neither of us have eaten much the past two days but the silence is more than that. I'm going to miss her. I know we can call each other and IM but I'm still not sure what I'm going to do. I mean, I managed for a month while she was away but I worked so much I didn't have much time to think about how lonely I felt. She's not even gone yet and I'm already dreading it. Oh gods, I'm such a cliche. Gross.

"What are you thinking about?" She asks. She tucks a curl that popped out of her braid, behind her ear.

"Honestly, I am just thinking about how much I am gonna miss you,"

She take my hand and give it a small squeeze. Her smile lights up the night. The sun is so low now that we could almost see the stars. The moon is out above the horizon and the sky is now indigo with a small tint of orange at the bottom.

I stare out at the forest and the highway, we have the most amazing view from up here. "Perce, we're gonna be okay. My next break is American Thanksgiving which is next month then I come home for a few weeks for Christmas. It will be alright," 

By now we finished our food and went to sit by the ledge. We watch as the sun finally sets down. I stare up at the moon. "Did you get anything from Thalia or Artemis?" I ask.

"Thalia is taking care of the hunters but it seems Artemis has gone off the grid with the rest of the gods for now. I mean, she still pulls up the moon, Apollo pulls the sun, the wave still push on the beach and there is still rain in the sky. All of them are still out there," Annabeth says.

"I'll contact Hestia after I drop you off. And I'll call you with news about Nico. I've got a really bad feeling though," I run my hand along her back and settling it around her waist.

We fall silent again. It's okay this time. It's nice...

Its 10p.m when we finally grab Annabeth's bag and head out of the compound. I told the tall blonde dude named Steve that I was taking her to the airport and that I would be back sometime in the morning. I even wrote down my phone number incase they need to contact us.

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