17 Nico

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I wake up around one the next afternoon. The only reason I woke up is because I got a loud and very annoying phone call of the small cell Leo made me. I don't recognize the number but is had to be someone at camp to I groggily pick it up.

"Good afternoon Ghostie," the other end says cheerfully. I could be mad at the nickname or the fact that this person has awaken me but this particular person is hard to be mad at.

"What's up Sunny D?" I ask. My lovely boyfriend has called.

"You didn't call me when you got back to New York nor did you call me yesterday. You worried the shit out of me!" He yells into the phone.  "I mean you could be dead,"

"Okay, okay. Sorry it's been hectic the past few days. How about I come and pick you up, bring you back here so we can just talk?" I offer. I fumble out of bed with my phone pressed to my ear. I don't like how much he worries about me. Honestly I'm fine. I wiggle into a pair of black jeans and a dark grey crew nwck, I slip my old black sweatshirt over my shoulders.

"No, don't you dare shadow travel," he says.

"Too late." I drop my phone onto the ground before falling into the shadows and focus on him. My one and only, my love. Not that I'd say that aloud. He is my light in the shadows and is quite frankly the only person I feel that I can safely travel to at the moment.

I pop up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist, he jumps a bit before turning himself and softly hits my arm, "you idiot you could have hurt yourself," he lectures.

I just shrug and pull us back into the shadows. I can feel him shiver once we surface again. I know he doesn't like shadow traveling but I am not into light travel. It feels like a full body sun burn.

Yes that exists for certain Apollo children. They can use the sunlight to travel which means they are shit out of luck at night. It's basically the same as me bending and traveling through shadows except they use the sun.

"Sit down you idiot," Will says. I didn't even notice I swayed.

I complied to his request. He stands in front of me as leans in to look at my eyes then he check my pulse. All the good stuff a doctor boy friend can do for me. Shadow travel has slowly been getting easier but it still takes a lot out of me. But it's worth it to have him here to help me figure this shit out. 

"Please be more careful," Will says cupping my face in his warm hands. Usually I'm against the whole sunny thing and heat but his touch is something I will always love. It's the nice kind of warmth that makes me feel incredibly welcomed.

"I'll try," I say. He kissed my forehead. I stand up and hug him, my chin perched on his shoulder. He's a fair bit taller than me but whay can I say, Italians aren't known to be very tall.

"Don't worry about me sunshine. I'm doing just fine," I whisper.

"There is a bruise on your temple,"

"Well I may or may not have bitten someone and he may or may not have punched me in the head,"

"You really need to stop fighting people Neek," he groans. "Did you win?"

"It was pretty tied," ...

We decided to just stay in my room for awhile since no one came to get me up but then we got bored and will knew I hadn't eaten anything for awhile so we found the kitchen.

I went for the cereal but Will stopped me.  He pointed to one of the bar stool so I sat as he cooked.

I could here footsteps behind me. My head whips around to see a shocked Captain America.

"Who is this? Why did Jarvis not tell us there was another person in the building? How did he get in?"

"Slow down you'll exaust yourself. Stevie Wonder." I sigh. By now will has put a plate of food in front of me which I almost smiled at.

The rest of the team ran in and also fired questions all at once.

Percy and Annabeth came to us and gave Will hugs saying they were glad to see him.

"Shut the fuck up!" I yelled.


"Shut the fuck up," I repeat in ancient Greek.

"Hi, I'm William Solace, people call me Will. I'm these guys' friend and Nico's Boyfriend." Will says and then hugs me. I pretend to ignore him and eat my food which is amazing. He's the good cook between the two of us.

"Yeah that's cool but how is he here?" Tony asks.

"I teleported him here?" I say. I can't just say I shadow traveled.

"Oh," was all that came out of Tony's mouth. The avengers looked at us odd. Widow had a look on her face like she wanted to ask a question so I just wait.

"He's like the rest of you," Natasha says.

Before Will can even open his mouth I reply, "Yeah he's mutant too,"

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