15 Percy

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I left without a word around midnight after my fifth pop tart and had given up and let the insomnia take over. I walk out of the building, it's latge, bigger than a mansion. It looks more futuristic than even new or on trend.

I head down the road when it starts to rain. It's a sprinkle at first until I make the stupid decision to flip off the sky. Fuck you Zeus.

It starts to pour down not that I could mind. It doesn't matter. Though I may be able to keep myself dry I don't bother.

"All the shit you have done to me and you're still a dick," I mutter to no one in particular. I can't sense any large body of water near me. Maybe a stream off a few miles but the ocean is a good distance away. It's uncomfortable. Usually when I can't sleep I'd walk to the ocean and talk to my dad though it's been months since I've gotten any response from him.

There is forest surrounding this place and I've found only one road in and one road out. I don't know how far off anyone is. Maybe that's the point for them, people are just too dangerous for them.

Not only is being so far from my domain unsettling, the amount of WiFi and tech used in that building is as well. It's been hours since we arrive, that's enough time for something to come. Or maybe it isn't. Nothing has bothered me for months. At least, nothing of high intelect. Not even the gods. This is like the Gaea prophecy again.

There can't be another one.

I walk far enough away down the road to only be able to make out the lights of the building. I stop and sit on a fallen down tree into the forest line. I can't see much but I'm alright that way.

I pull riptide out of my jeans pocket and a drachma. I uncap my sword so the slightest golden glow illuminated the rain making tiny rainbows. I keep the rain in the light using my powers and toss in the drachma, "O fleecy, do me a solid and show me Poseidon."

The image flickers for a bit before showing me a glimpse of my father in his underwater castle. He's pacing, not paying attention to me, "Hey Dad," I say.

"Percy," he replies in shock. He swims over to where the image is projected. "You aren't at home or camp, why is it dark?"

"I'm somewhere upstate I think. I'm not really sure. Some people called the Avengers want us to join them," my voice is cautiously quiet.

My father's eyes go wide for a second, his face filled with concern. But it soon goes blank, "Do it," is all he says.

He goes to turn a away, "it's been almost six months since you said a word to me. I'm sorry but a one minute conversation doesn't cut it," I say. That was mean. I regret what I say as soon as I finished but I needed him to hear it. I'm past missing him, I'm angry.

"It will have too," then he wipes away the iris message.

"You owe me a drachma you asshole," I whisper before setting my head in my hands. My elbows are propped on my knees. This is a mess. Dad was supposed to be the good one. The only God who gave a damn about his kid. Why does he suddenly have the cold shoulder?

I push the thoughts away and stand up to leave. There is no point is trying to reason with gods. They invented stubborn. I slowly start walking back to the complex. I hope no one noticed my absence. It's late anyway. 

I slip into the building without a problem, I am un bothered. I go to the bathroom and dry off before changing into sweats and heading into Annabeth's bedroom. She makes sleep easier, I know that's weird but it's true

I slip under the covers and put my arms around her. "What's up seaweed brain?," she mumbles and cranes her neck to see me.

"Couldn't sleep, and you're warm," she giggles and snuggles into me closer. I can feel her small sleeping breaths on my neck. I play with her beautiful blonde curls for a while before finally falling into a poor nights sleep.

Awwww cute. I felt like adding a little fluff. I know it's taking a while to get started but these chapters are shorter just because I am changing to point of view so often.

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