6 Steve

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Why have any detective skills at all when you have surveillance footage and pure coincidence on your side.

I tried looking for Annabeth Chase. She hasn't been seen in months. But I did find something interesting, when she was seen, she was seen with another person, Perseus Jackson. He is also on my list of people. They're close too, I'd even go as far to say they're dating.

Unlike his girlfriend, Perseus is seen a lot. Since a few months ago he has been very on record. He has a job at the local aquarium and lives in an apartment near his mother and step dad. His file says that his mother is Sally Jackson and his step father is Paul Blofis. He doesn't have any extended family nor a father. He's eighteen and does not attend college. He graduated from Goode high in New York. The more interesting parts of him are from prior years. Last summer he was seen all over Greece and Italy and destruction followed. Before that there was fires at schools, numerous fights, I need not go further. He seems to have cleaned up his act but is still very suspicious. I don't know how a kid could have caused so much damage.

I check the tracker on my tablet to check and see where Perseus was last seen. It seems that he was last spotted on first and Pine by one of the docks. That was two minutes ago.

I bust out the door in casual clothing and hop onto my motorcycle then head to my destination.

When I was close enough to the docks I hopped off. I didn't want to be seen so I tried to walk close enough to see him. I snapped a few photos but the lighting is pretty awful. I could see him. He was just sitting there for a long while with his legs swinging over the edge. He was staring out at the water with glossed eyes. Most importantly he can't see me.

He brushes a hand through his dark hair then sighs, breaking his gaze with the ocean. He starts to talk but it isn't directed at anything as far as I can tell, ""Dad, I'm afraid. I please tell me there isn't anything else. Because I have this ache that keeps saying that it isn't over. Why can't it just be over?" He says. Why did he say dad?

I read somewhere that a report said that his dad was lost at sea before he was born. So was this Perseus's way of talking to him even though his father is dead?

Along with that, what isn't over?

He pauses and takes in a deep breathe like he's trying to stop himself from crying.

""You know some nights I'm pretty sure you're not even out there, and that scares me more. Are you up there then? This whole cold shoulder thing sucks by the way. Anyways, see you soon I hope." He's just a kid. It seems silly that he still has hope that his dad will come back one day. Or maybe the system is wrong, maybe his dad is out there. Either way, it's worth investigation.

He sits again in silence before standing. He stands with his feet on the edge. I stand as well thinking he might jump. I move closer. My feet shift the gravel and make a rather obnoxious noise that startles him. That's when he comes out of his daze then he quickly walks back away from the dock and toward the street.

He moves quick and pretty soon I can't follow him. But I know where he lives, where he works. I'll find him again.

Wow Steve you're such a creep. That was creepy.

I make my way back to the tower and head to bed. I'll find him tomorrow. Maybe then I'll see Annabeth as well. They seem to come as a matching set.

Perseus slept in late. I've been sitting outside his building since six this morning and he just finally came out and he wasn't alone. It's almost eleven.

A certain curly haired blonde walked along side him with their arms linked. And I saw what I sadly expected. They're just a couple of kids. Both eighteen but they look so innocent without a care in the world.

I follow them to a little Italian restaurant. They're just on a date at this point I don't see why they're suspicious.

But still, I follow. They're pasts are too sketchy. I'll have to actually question them soon.

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