1 Percy

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I'm only one month into the official gap year from school and I've got to say, surprisingly, high school was less stressful. I'm working full time now at an aquarium down town which is great and really depressing at the same time.

I've even got my own apartment, mind you it's only one floor above my mom's place. She didn't want me to live too far away but I wanted to let her and Paul have some space. And plus, I'm eighteen! I am at the ripe age of moving out.


I toss a few grocery bags onto my table in the tiny living room space. I bought ramen, more ramen, and milk. Most of the time I'm never home to eat but friends from camp stay here every so often (really it's mostly jason) and Nico lives here when he's not at camp. They both pay some sort of rent money. What, I can't pay for this place on my own. Have you seen the outrageous prices of New York rent? Especially on the Upper East Side.

I slump myself onto my couch before turning on my TV and streaming some netflix. I can't afford real cable TV and frankly it's not worth it when I've got netflix. Not that I have the chance to watch much anyways. When I'm not at work, I'm at Camp. I go back all the time to help campers heal or just to have fun. I go to see the friends who can't be torn away. I've been going to those strawberry fields for ages it seems. I think that camp is really just another word for home.

Eventually, rather than moving, because that is far too much effort, I drift off to sleep on my not so comfortable couch.

Heyo it is moi. So I've decided to do this rick style. The chapter names will include the point of view. Some will be really short, some will be longer. But this allows me to update more all at once. So I hope you all enjoyed.

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