25 Percy

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Its 8pm and Nico isn't back yet. I pace back and forth in my room before deciding not to call him. We don't get service down in the underworld anyway.

I go into the bathroom and use the water to make a type of prism. The light instantly creates a rainbow. I pull a drachma from my pocket, I really need to pick up some more of these. I toss the drachma into the colorful light, "oh fleecy please show me Hestia, goddess of the Hearth and home,"

An image forms in the misty prism. Hestia actually shows her face. I can tell she's up in Olympus, next to her hearth as always. "Hello Perseus," she says. She is still in the form of a 12 year old girl, with a flowy dress and light brown hair. The light of the hearth glows orange behind her.

"Hey Hestia, how's it been?" I ask. I smile at her, shes definitely my favorite goddess. Though she looks like a kid, she's like another mother figure.

"You already know there is something wrong. I cannot talk long. So, out with it my dear boy," she says, her voice sounds youthful but wise.

"Can you tell me what's happening with the gods?" I question.

"Not yet,"

I sigh. Of course she can't. Nothing can be that easy can it, "okay. Then you must know I'm with a group of mortals called the Avengers. Well, my father told me to join them but I need to know if I can inform them of our world and help them see through the mist. I can't keep lying,"

"You should not lie to these new allies. I will back your decision to tell them. But make sure you warn them. Percy, you may be pur only hope in this," she says. I don't understand. There can't be another war. I can't go through another war.

"Can't the gods find another hero to fix their problems?"

"I'm sorry it has to be you," the, with a wave of her hand, the Iris Message is gone.

I let out a loud groan before leaving the bathroom. I head out to my bed and flop on it. I can't tell if today was cool or bad or weird. All I know is I'm bored now and I miss my girlfriend.

I hope her classes are going well, and that shes okay. I hope none of this is stressing her out or making her worry too much. Oh no, now I'm worried. Shit.

I pick up my phone and dial her number. It rings for awhile before she finally picks up. Before I hear her lovely voice I hear loads of background noise. She must be at dinner now.

"Hey water boy," she says.

"Hey, how's my favorite girl doing?" I ask.

"You're weird. I'm good though, eating dinner with Hazel and Frank tonight." She replies. I hear a chorus of hi from everyone at the table as Annabeth announces who she's talking to.

"Oh you're not gonna believe it seaweed brain. I think I discovered a new ability yesterday and I totally forgot to tell you," she says.

"Oh pray tell?"

"I can understand and speak most languages. I think my mom have me some form a blessing and I didn't even realize it. I was arguing with Natasha and apparently I spoke russian to her. Then the AI tested me by talking to me in tons of different languages," she says. Damn she gets smarter by the minute.

"That's crazy. Ha now you can tell me what Natasha says when she swears ar us in Russian. I really don't think she likes us," I laugh

"Shes warming up to us. It's not that she doesn't like us, she just doesn't trust us yet. It doesn't help that we're lying to everyone," annabeth says.

"Wow, you're even people smart,"

"That doesn't really make sense but yeah i can understand where shes coming from. Think about it Perce, after Luke, after Hera, after everything, you don't really trust them do you?"

"No I guess not,"

"We all have trust issues, it comes with saving the world more too many times," she explains.

"Yeah," I reply. We pause a moment. I can hear the chatter of the Roman camp and her eating. I can almost imagine being there with them, with her. Sitting next to her, playing with her blond princess curls. Laughing with my friends.

"Maybe for now, start building their trust?" She says.

"About that, I got ahold of Hestia, she couldn't talk much or tell me what's going on at all but she said we should start telling the truth. I think once Nico gets back and we have Will here, I'll sit them down. I'm gonna explain everything," I say.

"Okay. Don't say something too stupid while I'm gone,"

I smile, "of course not, I'll stay something stupid as soon as you get back,"

"I love you,"

"I love you too," we hang up. Why must life be so stressful?

And where the Hades is Nico?

Breakfast is weird. I'm living with a bunch of psychos.

Its starts off with me walking into the kitchen, I grab some eggs and start to cook. Normal right? Well, Katniss walks in still wearing his bright purple pjs and just, grabs my food. My eggs!

I make more, because I have no idea where birddude went. This time I make a few sausages with them. Then freaking captain America comes up and takes the plate! "Why the fuck is everyone taking my food?"

I grumble once again before scrambling a ton of eggs and frying like 10 links of sausage. I make some toast and make a plate for myself, leaving everything else in the kitchen.

Then, I let out the biggest screech I could, "BREAKFAST IS READY YOU HUNGRY FUCKS!"

I hear a fresh from the floor below us and laugh my head off. Eventually everyone comes into the lounge with plates of food.

I get a chorus of quiet thanks from everyone. Katniss even got another plate.

One breakfast was done I stood up. I looked at all of them, once you get past their titles, they all look so normal. All of them smiling, almost, and laughing. They are just a big group of friends, it feels weird thinking that. Annabeth, Nico and I kind of appeared out of no where and they are forced to deal with us. I would feel bad but it's the same for us too.

I'm going to make the most of it though.

"Alright groupies, we are finally telling out all the whole truth. Everything, but I need Nico and Will to help me tell that truth so, you will have to be patient until they get back here," I say.

They all look up at me. Some of them satisfied some of them shocked. One very indifferent.

"Why now?" The silver haired one, Pietro asks.

"We were given the green light, so to say,"

"And what exactly are we finding out?" Tony asks still a bit grouchy. Someone didn't sleep well last night.

"Our past, present future and parents," I smirk.

"Well it's about time!" Clint raises his arms dramatically. I laugh at him.

This should be fine, everything should be fine.


Hehehehhe here is a very short update. Sorry nothing really happens here but the next chapter will be big.

I love all of the support this story is getting, thank you all so much.

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