02. wandering around; brick wall

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ᴘᴇᴀᴄᴇ ɪꜱ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴀ ɢɪᴠᴇɴ ꜰᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ, and because of that your temper is... a bit... short when your moments of silence are interrupted.

You were sitting with your eyes closed on your first day at Grace Feild, sitting against the tree on the hill and enjoying the soft breeze, when you felt leaves falling all over your face and small body.

Your eyes snapped open in annoyance and looked up, only to see Ray on a branch, shaking it so that the leaves would fall on you. He was too lazy to call for you or to get down so he decided that it was the best option.

It was not.

You stood up and glared at him, the most bone-chilling look that Ray had ever seen in his life. Your eyes' anger was almost on par with Mother's eyes. That statement itself speaking volumes about how terrifying the look you gave him was.

'The branch is falling, you better hop off fast,' said something in his voice, in his mind.

And without really second-guessing the thought Ray jumped.

Now, Ray is small, he's only five after all. And 5-year-olds shouldn't fall ten feet out of the air, or else they'll get hurt.

And that's what happened.

You stood helplessly as you watched as Ray hit the ground and land on his arm. The moment you saw him start to jump you took off your noise-canceling headphones. Then you heard something make a popping sound and your anger dissipated. You took a quick step towards him until you realized how odd it was that he did such an impulsive thing. 

Then, you remembered you were very angry at him. When you remembered that, suddenly the action wasn't so odd to you anymore. You hurt him.

So when Ray started to whimper you couldn't bring yourself to go within five feet of him because you were scared that you hurt him. So you ran. 

The other children were playing tag and there was a group of kids who had been caught standing together, you ran and frantically tugged at a taller, older kid's shirt.

He looked down and you pointed to the hill. Immediately his eyes caught sight of Ray on the ground and he sprinted in that direction, the other kids following him with worried thoughts.

You watched from the middle of the field as the older kid swiftly carried Ray to the orphanage.

Ray's arm didn't look all right. You knew it was all because of you. You felt so guilty. 

You wished that you weren't a cursed child. That you were a normal one. 

The raven-haired boy's eyes caught yours to convey the message: "you had nothing to do with it, it's okay," but you wouldn't look at him, your eyes looked at the ground. For some reason, you looked like you had everything to do with it. Ray didn't get why.

You felt a hand on your shoulder.

Norman heard a commotion and had decided to go back into the field, Emma following close behind. They ended up seeing you staring at the ground and Ray being carried by one of the older boys.

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