30. save me; from my sins

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ᴀɴɢᴜɪꜱʜ ᴛᴇᴀʀꜱ ʏᴏᴜ ɪɴ ʜᴀʟꜰ as you fall to your knees, re-living every moment of your life.

"There, there, Death," the god sighs, "All will be forgotten and forgiven. You will die and become reborn. Do not waste tears over what you will never feel again."

That only made you more upset, feel as if your insides are stretching all too thinly, head spinning with a mind-splitting headache.

"Oh dear... It seems you might be coming apart..."

That is the last thing you hear before your body gives out, eyes rolling to the back of your head and limbs numbing.

"Goodbye, Death."

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[Years Into the Future]

To: The woman who keeps appearing in my dreams


I woke up for the fifth time tonight. I still see your face, as if you were just with me--- as if you were real. You are branded into my mind and etched into my soul. You come to me every night. Must you keep me from sleeping fully every night?

It takes about an hour to let the feeling of you go. Somehow, I feel as if I know who you are.
You feel like heartbreak.

I write these letters to you hoping that you won't ever respond. I hope you are not real. If you are then I think you broke my heart so horribly I can't remember. 

Though I say that line every time, part of me wishes, that you never disappear. I hope that you are not akin to a beautiful star. Burning me, luring me, only to self-destruct and leave me looking forever for your presence. I think I might feel empty in your absence.

Silent nightingale, in my dreams I see you speak, but you keep your words a secret from me. Secrets, secrets. They are haunting me. Your lips, your skin, your hair, your hands. And even more so your eyes, unrequited and ghostly.

My mystery, why is it that when I wake and turn to see nothing beside me, it hurts me deeply. I shouldn't expect anything, but when you visit me in dreams my heart sings for heartfelt pleasantries.

Leave me be.

Let me go.

What have I done to deserve you? What kind of sins created this mess in my mind that plagues the ins and outs of my nights?

Are you a premonition who will come to save me or are you a dark shadow with wrathful intensity?

With Love and Resentment,

Norman Gracefeld 

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(unedited - 10/30/23)


Don't worry, I know how to spell field

but his last name is [grace-feh-eld]/[gracefehld] but spelled gracefeld

one more half chapter and then we are onto part threeeeeee

woooooooooo this is what i have been working towards

thank you to everyone who has been sticking with me

i hope you'll continue throughout the next part <3

thank you and stay healthy  ♡ ♡ ♡
- noli

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