20. never forget; who i am & who i'll become

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ɴᴏʀᴍᴀɴ ᴏᴘᴇɴꜱ ʜɪꜱ ᴇʏᴇꜱ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴇᴇ ᴀ ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ ᴀʙʏꜱꜱ, and to hear a soft mechanical whirring. He sits up, and he recognizes this abyss is your dreamscape. It is the part of your dreamscape underneath the platform of the field of flowers. He sits up, the ground isn't water like it usually was, no, it is completely dry. And the atmosphere is calm, not ominous and foreboding like it was the other times he'd been here.

Norman sits up, and he sees you, sitting far away, looking at something. He stands up and walks over to you, and then notices that the mechanical noises are coming from the film projector, a series of scenes flashing, scenes he recognizes.

You smile at the projection, and then glance to the side of you, noticing that Norman is standing there. You pat the ground next to you and Norman follows suit.

You lay his head on his shoulder, and he lay's his angel white head of hair on yours. From the side he can see you smiling while you look at the projection, so he looks too.

It's of a h/c girl with bright e/c sitting next to a boy with lovely white hair and electric blue eyes. They point to the sky, and they're talking and smiling and laughing.

"I never want to forget," you whisper, a smile, a real genuine smile adorning your face.

Then there's a scene change, and the boy with white hair and holding the girl with h/l, h/c hair, kissing her cheek, kissing her forehead, kissing her other cheek, kissing her nose.

Norman smiles too.

"Me neither."

You take his hand and sigh happily, "Norman?"

Both of you still have your eyes on the projection, "Yes, Y/N?"

"Escape, if you can, and please, don't worry about me."

Norman doesn't know why he says what he does, but he has an odd feeling that when tomorrow comes, he'll be seeing you a lot sooner than anyone would have thought (well, except for you, but you hoped anyway).

Norman says, "I'll try."

You turn to him and smile again, stroking his hand gently, "Thank you," and you turn back to watching the film.

Norman squeezes his hand back, eyes remembering the scenes in the film so, so, so fondly.

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Emma stirs, her eyes opening, only to feel a weight on her arm. She rubs her eyes with the free arm, vision clearing to see that Ray fell asleep here, with her. Emma giggles but then winces, her leg...

She shakes her head, trying to forget. The green-eyed girl looks back at Ray. His face is so calm, different from the stressed look he's been wearing recently, the same as the peaceful look he has when he's reading.

Ray is still holding her hand, it's a little sweaty..., and his head using the rest of her arm as a pillow. Emma puts her hand on his head, and then softly massages his messy hair with her fingers.

"...H-hm...? E-mma?", Ray lifts his head, his eyes squinting from the new light of the new day.

"Good Morning Ray," she says kindly.

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