15. promises made; from tales told

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ꜱʜᴏʀᴛ-ᴛᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴇᴅ, ᴛʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ. Being short with people is not something you enjoy being either, but somehow, someone finds a way to push your buttons once and a while. 

And as you hear Norman, Emma, Ray, Gildan, and Don discuss something you already knew about (but didn't bother to comment about), you were trying very hard to not just walk out. Out of fatigue/hunger, out of boredom.

Don's small argument with Ray about, 'Why can't we just take a look at the secret room!?', is mildly stressing you out too.

Because of your abilities, your mood is sometimes very much affected by the moods of other's thoughts. It doesn't help either that you are hungry and lacking sleep. Neither does Ray and Don's rising voices.

And the fact that both Don and Gilda are suspicious of you four, especially you. Whom they have only ever seen with the other three and Phil, as you aren't really the social type. In the last couple of conversations that they've had, you didn't really contribute at all. 

You just stand there, while the other three talk...

Which is confusing, why do you still seem super important in this plan Norman keeps telling them about? Things aren't adding up.

You rub your temples, Don's upset and frantic thoughts are starting to make your head hurt.

"Don, why don't you do us a favor and start on dinner?", Ray asks, also a bit annoyed with having to explain himself to Don, "If some of us don't go-"

Don raises his hands, "Yeah, I know."

Gilda follows the other thirteen-year-old outside the room, her thoughts a flurry of worries for all of her siblings.

You wait a moment, so you can be sure that they are both gone, and sigh, "Jeez. I feel like telling them might become a little more trouble than it's worth..."

Emma frowns at your statement, "Y/N...! Have faith in them, I know that they'll be able to get the hang of it. They're just in shock now."

Ray's thoughts agree with you, but he doesn't say a thing.

Norman nods, "Emma's right. We'll need their help as much as possible when we all escape."

You purse your lips before sitting yourself on a bed, "Oh. Right."

'I'm going to do it, I'm going to find out the truth,' you hear Don thinking, his voice for some reason registering in your mind very loudly.

You rub your temple again, 'This is Emma and Norman's fault for thinking that that could lie to them... now there'll probably be some sort of outburst from them... just great," you think.

"The next thing we look at is...", Emma starts.

"Outside!", the three of them say in unison while pointing at each other.

'How the hell did they synchronize that so well??? I'm a freaking mind reader and I'm the only one who didn't do that.'

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