14. i would do it again; for me

706 41 23

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"ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴇᴛ ɪᴛ, ɴᴏʀᴍᴀɴ? I'm the strongest card you have, no one else compares. And I don't just have info about the tracking devices and Mom. You can't even begin to imagine how much I've learned over the years.

From the moment I discovered the truth, I started to prepare...

Everything I did, just to make sure you three get out of here alive!"

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One walks away with a smirk, a victorious smile; while the other sits on the sheets of his bed. The boy with pretty blue eyes and flawless white hair sits on his bed and clenches his fist with unadulterated fear.

'What's next?', is all he can think about.

After dinner all that the blue-eyed teen can think about is you.

You and Ray.

Ray and his secrets and his plans.

You and your secrets and what if you have separate plans too? 

'No, she would tell me. I would know.'

Despite having much trouble eventually he goes to sleep. 

The last thing running through his mind and how he forgot to tell you that you looked nice today. Something he usually does no matter how much you deny it.

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Norman runs barefoot down a tunnel, heading towards a gate of light. There is water on the ground and it makes it harder to run but doesn't give up. Norman hears the steps of all the others behind him. His feet hurt and his breaths are starting to become heavy, but nevertheless, he says, "C'mon guys! We can make it! We're all going to escape this place together, even Ray!"

Norman doesn't notice that the steps had stopped and when he hears a large splash of water he turns to look behind him.

Emma hits the ground, her body almost fully covered in water.

"E-Emma? Every-", Norman gasps in horror as he sees all the children who followed him laying on the watery ground, flowers piercing their hearts.

"See?", Ray limps towards him, a flower in his chest, "I told you this would happen."

Norman makes his way towards Emma, holding her head, "Emma?!" Her eyes are blank and her skin is sickly pale.


Norman looks around to try and find his h/c girl, avoiding the bodies of the other children and looking for anyone that looks like her. 

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