05. always and forever; my wish

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"... 98... 99... 100!"

ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴜʀɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛʀᴇᴇꜱ, ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ᴇᴀꜱʏ, you knew most of everyone's hiding patterns, and you were quiet enough for no one to ever think that you were near, making it easy for you to ambush them.

You tried to block out the fact you knew exactly where Norman was for the sake of the game, you planned on getting Emma, Ray, and Norman last, in that order.

You climbed a tree and already spotted a large group of children, you sighed to yourself.

'They never learn... why do they always hide in groups...'

Groups by groups from the trees you hopped down and ambushed the hiding kids, using your agility, stealth, and speed to tag each and every one of them. You thought it was funny when they thought that they really had a chance at beating you.

'Alright, that's all the easy ones. Now only the three are left!'

You thought about how Emma's hiding patterns usually are. Emma usually likes to pick a spot with a quick escape, like jumping over a river or across two cliffs.

You go to a spot where you know where there is a cliff and close your eyes, listening to the sounds of the forest.

You heard a branch crack and you opened your eyes hopping from tree to tree stealthily. You climbed to the top of the one that is next to the one you thought Emma was in.

A smile crept on your face as you saw Emma looking all around her on a branch below you. You stand and jump towards her.


Emma twirls to see you falling to her and she puts her arms out to catch you so you didn't fall and break your back. When she caught you she sighed in relief.

"Oh my goodness Y/N! That was so reckless!!! If Norman saw you would've given him a heart attack!," Emma said in a scolding voice.

You shrugged, "You caught me. Plus, I gotcha!", you poked her forehead.

Emma slumped and pouted, "Have you found Ray and Norman yet."

"Nope, off to go find them! Wish me luck!", you said not sparring a second longer

You tree jumped some more.

Ray was probably in a dark place, his hair stood out too much in the trees. You headed towards a cave. Standing out said you smirked, you should hear him from all the way outside.


You heard screeches of bats and a loud: "SHIT!! SHIT SHIT!"

Ray ran out of the cave with bats swooping down at him, he dived to the ground and covered his head.

You giggled and when he held up his arm to give you the middle finger you pat his hand, "Nice try Ray, but it wasn't very smart of you to go somewhere with only one exit."

Ray glared at you, "You didn't have to aggravate all those bats y'know."

"Aw... it was fun though!"

Ray got up and dusted his shirt and pants, "Whatever, I'm guessing you already caught Emma?"

"Mhm, Norman's the last one!"

"Good luck, asshole."

You flipped him off and then ran away.

You knew exactly where Norman was, he followed you the entire time. Norman was also gifted with being stealthy, but ofc the closer he was to you the more you could feel your connection.

→  ฬђєгє เร ๓ץ ๓เภ๔?  → norman x readerWhere stories live. Discover now