17. dying with them; living with you

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ɴᴏʀᴍᴀɴ ꜱᴛᴀɴᴅꜱ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ ꜱᴛᴇʀɴ ᴇxᴘʀᴇꜱꜱɪᴏɴ, standing side by side Emma. He hands Sister Krone the fake pocket watch, the piece of technology that tracks them.

"Thank you for all your help," he says.

"Is that it??"

"Yes, have a good night."

'Speaking with Krone takes so much energy...', he thinks to himself, 'I feel like I aged a million years just trying to keep up with her... chaos.'

His thought makes him think about you for a second, and how you would be making fun of him for making such a dramatic statement.

As Norman and Emma turn to exit Sister Krone's room they pause when they hear her softly chuckling to herself, her chuckles then turning into manic laughter. Her face a contortion of vexing amusment.

"SOoo! You already knew about the trackers huh?? Where they are and how to break them!", they spin their bodies to her, eyes wide and pupils dilated, "Thanks to you, I've learned a ton of interesting things tonight~!"

Sister Krone crouches down to Norman and Emma's level, her smile never ceasing, "Info can be provided with much more than words! Humans tend to give off information even if they are just standing there!"

They gasp, neither of them able to form words as Krone lists the ways that the thoughts of others can be identified without using speech.

Krone stands up straight again, smirking, "You gave yourselves away when I mentioned the tracking devices! When I mentioned that they are in your ear neither of you checked nor did you question me!"

She steps back and walks in a little circle, asking in a sing-song voice, "So~ why did you ask when you already know~~~??" Krone glances at them, her smile fading, "Is there something you are trying to hide from me?"

Neither of them answer, only hardening their expressions and becoming ultra-aware of the way that they react to her words.

The lack of reaction disappoints Krone, until she turns to Norman with a wide smile, "Say... how come you aren't asking about Y/N?", she turns her head to Emma, "Aren't you curious about her? About the things, I said about her hmm???"

Norman can't lie, he is curious about you, and all the secrets and thoughts you keep to yourself. But he was prepared for Krone to taunt him about it, 'I already promised myself that I only want to hear things about Y/N, from Y/N. If it's something extremely important then...'

"I don't need to ask you," Norman states confidently.

Krone raises her eyebrow, "Oh?? Really?? And why is that? Do you know all about her already?"

He shifts, "No... but I trust Y/N. I trust that when it's time, she'll tell me."

"You trust her??", Krone scoffs, "Don't make me laugh. She may have crawled into your little heart, but that.... girl, has never known anything but manipulation! Y/N is even more monstrous than I am! Even more than Isabella even, and don't get me started on the things she's done t-"

"SHUT UP!", Emma yells, cutting off Sister Krone's rant. Emma clenches her fists, "You don't know Y/N like we do! Sure she may have done things and hasn't told us about her past but it doesn't matter! The Y/N I know is, loving and kind, and she wouldn't ever hurt us! So shut up!"

Emma thinks through the times you have begrudgingly let her brush/do your hair. The times you two have stayed up late together, fooling around and sometimes joking about Norman and Ray. How you, you are really just a big sister to her despite being the same age.

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