19. make it last forever; hold on to me

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♗ ♔ ♕ ♘

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♗ ♔ ♕ ♘

There is no stopping now. No going back.

Isabella looks to the entire group, scanning all of your faces and stopping at you, her smirk evil and cold.

"There was a notice from headquarters... so congrats."

Norman's heart drops to his stomach.
He thinks he might be sick.

You look to the ground, knowing what is next.

"Y/N, the time for you to be shipped has come..."

",̵̺͋̈́ á̷̝̐͜l̸̺̲͓̥͑o̸̡̯͇̝͠n̵̜̪͚̂g̷͕̰͑̀̓̕ͅͅ ̴͉͙̘̃̒ w̷͚̳͒į̶̢̡͉̔̆͊t̴̻͉̯̒̋́͗h̵̡̢̳̓̋͒͘ ̶̲̈́ n̴̜͋̃̈́o̷̪̯̬̼͗̅r̶̫͑̀̚m̸̢̲͚͕̈́̓a̵̘͇͙̟̽͂n̴͔͋͠.̶̥̳͌̇̉͘..."

♗ ♔ ♕ ♘

You sat on the small couch Isabella has in her room, you crossed your legs in a poised fashion, and folded your hands.

"I want to strike a deal with you, Isabella," you said.

And the woman with striking purple eyes quirked an eyebrow at you, "Oh? And what is this deal?"

"I'll tell you info, and in exchange, you switch me for Ray's shipment. I'm ready to go back. I have decided I don't want to be here when they go."

Isabella chuckled, "You are one selfish child."

You lied to her of course, Isabella could never know your true intentions.

"What do you think Isabella?", You stood up from the couch, walking to her and holding your hand out, "Do we have a deal?"

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