23. not special; special day

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ᴀꜱ ɪᴛ ɪꜱ ᴍᴏɴᴛʜ ᴏꜰ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴀᴛ ʟᴀᴍʙᴅᴀ, ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ɴᴏᴡ 15, fifteen and currently getting your ass whooped. Despite the non-stop especially rigorous training of both your body and mind━ your thoughts becoming cleverer, your body becoming more toned, even getting a bit taller/leaner━ you were no match for Dr. Osore.


"[FUCK!]", you swore as you hit the ground with your fist, Dr. Osore standing over you.

She frowns, her flawless brown-haired braid swaying as she signs, "Get up."

You don't, "I beat you at least once, that's usually when I get a break."

Your relationship with the woman was peculiar and much different from your relationship with Dr. Dolores. With Dr. Dolores you were practically a robot, he didn't allow for any sort of familiarity or comfort.

While it wasn't very different with Dr. Osore, there were moments you would catch her being quite soft, then others where she seemed to want to rip your head off.

This was a rip your head off moment.

"Oh? You think you deserve a break?"

You flinched at her demeanor, yeah... she definitely looks like she wants to rip your head off, maybe a couple of limbs too.

You stand, "Why not? I'm no use to anyone if I can't move."

Dr. Osore steps to you, and before you can reach her hand is on your throat, you cough, struggling to read her lips as you feel your air supply die out.

"[No... use... if... weak,]" she squeezes tighter.

Feeling your entire body panic and your vision blur you lift your foot and kick her in the stomach as a last-second resort in freeing yourself from her deathly grasp, making her fall back.

You cough violently, gasping, rubbing your neck, then turn to her.

"What the hell!?"

Dr. Osore crosses her arms with a glint in her eyes that you can't quite understand, as what you thought would be anger, it is with fear that her usually calm composure is shaken with.

"I'm going to be extremely real with you right now. Do you understand?"

Your relationship with Dr. Osore was more real, like a rebellious teenager and scornful mother. She seemed to want to make you stronger and seemed to truly believe she was helping you by hurting you. By "training" you.

Perhaps she was taking the phrase, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger," a bit too seriously.

You talked back, in a way you were much too terrified to try on Dr. Dolores, as he would surely do something worse than knock you on the ground a couple of times.


"You are not special Y/N."

Your eyes widened. That was new. She called you by your name and told you something the complete opposite of what you've been hearing your entire life. You've always been treated as a separate entity, an 'other' from the rest of the group.

You can do things no one else can, you are not like anyone else, and now she's telling you otherwise???

"Excuse me?"

"It's exactly as I said. You are not special. Right now, you are conveniently useful, and if you decide to give up so easily, and give in like nothing, you'll be replaced just as easily. That's the only way to survive."

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