Calming down

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Peters p.o.v
I stood at the door. Finally, it had taken forever to get here which is odd because I could swear the wait was shorter other times. Maybe it's the fact that I feel sadder today? Or that I had less energy today. Those are probable scenario's. As I waited for the door to open, my mind started to wonder around until it reached my final thoughts 'I can't help but wonder what would happen if I asked for help with my depression.' Could Mr. Stark possibly help me? Would he even care enough to help? The possibilities are endless. Unless I actually asked -no. Don't be ridiculous Peter! I came here to see Mr. Da-Stark. Not to bother him with my issues! Besides it's not like he would think it's important. I shook my head to rid myself of my thoughts. Right now is not the time for this. I looked back up at the door. Why hasn't the door opened? I've been standing here for at least a minute now. Wait, I need my key card to get in. Im an idiot! I got out my Key card and opened the door.  I walked in, where's Mr. Stark? It took a second before my mind could register what I was hearing. It was loud and heart wrenching. It almost sounded like- No not now, I have to find Mr. Stark! He could be hurt! I ran in and found myself standing behind a table. My eyes meeting a horrific sight of Dad on the floor crying and hyperventilating. I felt a sinking pit in my stomach although a sick part of me was relieved. I knew what this was, a panic attack. Thankfully I've had enough experience with this on my own. Or at least I like to think.. But what if I mess up? What if somehow just make everything worse? What if I help he ends up hating me?! No snap out of it and help him! I sprinted over to him "Mr.Stark?!" "Mr. Stark are you okay?!"  What am I saying?! Anyone with half a brain could see he wasn't! He was in the middle of a panic attack! Why hadn't Friday alerted anyone?! That's not important right now. What I need to do is calm him down. "Dad?!" "Mr. Stark can you hear me!"
Tony's pov
Fuck! He saw me! What kind of example am I setting for him right now?! He doesn't need to see this right now especially in his state of mind! "-k!" I heard a voice cut through the ringing in my ears"-rk!" I knew it was Peter, I could see his mouth moving. No matter how I hard I tried to calm myself down, it didn't work."Mr. Stark can you hear me?!" I managed to nod a faint yes through my rapid shaking. Finally being able to hear his voice was somewhat comforting. "I need you to take deep breaths, in and out. While I count okay?!" Part of me dreaded calming down because I will have to confront the kid with the truth. Thinking about it, I could feel my shaking get worse.
Peters p.o.v
His breathing picked up and, his shakings getting worse! I hurriedly spoke to him. "Okay, Out" In.. one..two...three. Out. Keep it up." The process had to be repeated at least twenty times. Gradually, his breathing returned to normal and the shaking stoped. That's good. It looks like he passed out. Looks like I'll have to carry him to his room in the tower. No big deal Me. Stark isn't very heavy to me anyways. Besides, it's my fault he's like this. I could of stopped it if I wasn't such a idiot. If only I could of been there earlier instead of staring at a door. I picked him up and stood up ready to walk away. At that moment something sickeningly familiar caught my vision. It was a box with what looked to be my audio tapes in it.. I prayed for anything else to be in there as I approached the box. That's not what I think it is! It can't be! To my dismay there were audio's in the box. How did Mr. Stark find this?! How did that box even get down here?! Did Mr. Stark go through my stuff? Doesn't he know personal boundaries?! Was it a punishment for something I did? It had to be. What right do I have to be upset though, I'm just Peter Parker, the burden. Not Tony Stark an avenger and Millionaire. If Tony wanted to go through my stuff then I have no say in it.  As I tried to let down my arms, I was reminded that I was carrying Mr. Stark. He wouldn't care if I carried him at this point right? Hopefully not because I'm not going to leave him unconscious on the floor. Dad-Mr.Stark shifted in my arms. "Mmm... Pepper" I smiled and tried not to laugh at that. That was adorable. I walked out of the room slowly.
Third person
As Peter carried Tony back to his room. He gulped, Remembering what he saw as the previous moment only caused temporary relief. Peter is beyond terrified for when Tony wakes up. Tony won't just dance around the issue at hand. Especially if he actually listened to the audio files. Peter knows he did though. He saw the CD player and one of the last disc cases open. Peter knows Tony had listened to most if not all of his discs. He wasn't ready for confrontation anytime soon, though. He didn't want his internship or suit basically stolen from him. He also didn't want Tony to have to deal with all that was Peter Parker or Spider-Man. In his eyes, Tony was too good for that. No, everyone except Peter was too good for that. When Peter finally got to Tony's room, he laid Tony down. Peter sat down he sighed. Now it's just a waiting game.

🦋AN; Nothing important just another explanation.
Hey guys! I'm just going to put this here since I generally like too many interruptions in stories. But, basically this chapter has been in the works forever and I finally got it done. I kinda fell out of the fandom if you can't tell. I haven't put this on hold because I honestly don't know if I will continue writing chapters or not. I also can't reply or comment anything at this time. Same with following, I've made a account error.

The father I thought I never have,and the kid I'll always Love.Where stories live. Discover now