Note+Audio 6

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Just incase your confused
I'm convening one of the Spider mans series with the movies. So don't say I didn't tell you.
Also some audios might be load downs of months.
Audio 1-Day
Audio 2-Day
Audio 3/4-2 days
Audio 5–Month
Audio 6-Month

Tony's pov
All right. No more messing around. What this kid could be hiding may be potentially dangerous to him. No way am I letting my kid get hurt, over my dead body, I will protect this kid. Now where's audi-Oh never mind it's right here. I slipped the audio in the computer.
Hi agin guys! I got the web slinger finished, it works! Anyways nothing new happened today. If I'm being honest, I'm kind of worried I will miss out on one of my classes, if a villain shows up.
I knew the kid took school but he would get stressed out over missing one class. I remember when I found out his identity and met him, he said he couldn't go with me because he had homework. I just ignored that he said that. I was sure it was a excuse,but that kid wasn't joking. He really is serious about school. That kid needs to loosen his screws! Its not the end of the world if you miss a day or don't get an assignment turned in!
I got board today though and decided I have a web slinger! So let's remodel the whole entire costume! After all my old suit really just consists of a ski mask and wired cloths. I could just ask Aunt May to sew me one and I could do the adjustments from there.
Peter...You didn't...
-Now I know what your thinking, No I didn't tell Aunt May about my awesome spider powers. I just asked her to make me a Halloween costume and I designed it for her. She was over the moon to do that for me. I don't often go trick or treating. I usually just go to Neds house and watch movie marathons. Im not going trick or treating but I'm not going to tell her that. Shes sewing it right now.
That's a relief. Hah, and he said it wasn't a onesie!
Today's the weekend, which is nice! You know why? No Flash! Honestly Flash all bark and little bite. Sometimes he will hurt me really bad mentally or physically.Sometimes, being poked by a pencil can hurt worse than Flash's punch's. Honestly, I can handle the bulling. What really gets to me are the insults. I mean I know my mom and dad are dead but he says it's my fault. I can't help but feel he's right.
Kid....Its not your fault. I swear though if I see that Flash kid! He is really getting on my nerves!
Haha....I have a confession to make......
What is it?
Ah come on! Stupid Computer glitch's! It cut off! That was probably important too! Wait a minute.....I haven't gotten any reports back from 334SS3. Thats odd. "Friday,what happened to project 334SS3?" "It appears all cameras were found and disabled by Peter sir"
"Dammit" I muttered under my breath. Sometimes I hate his stupidly high IQ, smartness and spider sense. It makes him real hard to keep an eye on sometimes.
Well..Now you know, If anyone is watching this....Don't worry about me....I am just worthless Penis Parker..Bye, Peter signing off.
What? What should I be worried about?! And why does this kid think he's worthless?! You know what? Its probably that Flash kid. Thats it! Ive had enough! No one hurts my kid! When Peter gets back, I am marching into that school and sewing Flash and the teachers that let this go on! "Sir,Your vitals seem to be going up,
should I alert the Avengers?" "No" Ok Tony breath, in and out. In and out. Now let's count to ten..1...2....3....4...5....6..7...8..9, 10.
Ok three more of these and then I'm stopping for today. This will give me too much stress if I do this all in one day. But I'll have to hurry. By the time Peter gets home he will notice his box is gone and since I'm the only one in the tower other than Pepper. He knows Pepper wouldn't do it, making me the prime suspect. Then one of two things will happen both bad. He will avoid me and flat out not even look at me. Or he will get nervous and have panic attack. Which I just found out he has. Enough with the negative thoughts and tapes. For now I am just going to eat, Shower, brush my teeth, listen to the three tapes and go to bed. Yeah, yeah that sounds like a good plan. I got up and went to the kitchen and opened the fridge door. Now what do I have to eat? Ah! Ramen. I took it out and checked the time. 9:38, Damm it's late. I looked at the instructions on the package. Well looks like I'm cooking tonight! Better start on it.

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