Audio 5

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Tony's pov
Alright. I just listened to audio 4 so audio 5 should be next. Now all I have to do is find it...Lets see..I rummaged through the box. "....Audio 5.....Audio 5...." "Ahh here it is!" I popped open-well you already know the drill
("No more 4th wall breaks Tony!" "But I wan-"No!" "...Fine..." "Thank you now on with the story!)
Hi guys, It's Peter, agin. Nothing to new happened today. Just the regular. Other than Flash almost 'accidentally' breaking my arm. I ended up getting it fractured because of him.
That kid agin?!That Flash kid is going to feel my fist, if I ever see him! Or I could just get him suspended and have a little 'talk' with him. Yeah that would be good.
-Once I got home. I went to my room and placed my arm without noticing. That might be a very big thing to be excited at but my arm...It didn't hurt it seemed to completely heal....So let's add super healing to the list. I already did other experiments. So I seem to have the ability's of a spider. Which is climbing up walls, Super sight, Super hearing, and I can sense danger with that also comes fast reflexes.I call it my spiddey sense! I would say spider but the way I say it is more fun. You would also think that I could shoot webs right?Wrong. Unfortunately,I can't and my asthma is still here too...
Wait what! The kid has asthma? He should of told me. This could be dangerous! What if were on a mission and a asthma attack?! He could die! Note to self, buy Peter an inhaler.
So far I have only made prototype of the web slinger. Im making progress really fast! Bad news about my senses is I will get sensory overloads. If I had to give an example.I could hear a child crying 10 miles away. Thankfully, I already have something to help me with that built into my suit.-
Wow...Kid I could've given you an upgrade if you would've told me...
-Whenever sensory overloads happen.I often get bad migraines, asthma attacks and Panic attacks. Same thing if I get to stressed. I get panic and asthma attacks, sensory overloads and become more jumpy.
How much stuff has this kid not told me?! I can remember last week he was really jumpy and had probably quite a few asthma attacks. He said he was fine! I can't believe how much of an idiot I am sometimes.
I don't really know what to do with my powers other than helping people. So I decided to set up I private video account rewatch my videos and look for flaws in my practice. Pretty smart on my part I must say!
Well, he isn't wrong on that.
Who am I kidding I am pretty dumb...My teachers probably only give me good grades out of pity.
What? No your not! Why would he think that?!You have good grades for a reason kid!
Well...I'm rambling aren't I? This is getting awkward...Haha! Im being a Debby downer now aren't I?..Well I'm tired and should be getting to bed...Good night, Until I see you agin...
What time does that kid go to bed? Well..That's not really important right now. Truth be told, I was hoping to end this soon because you see. I'm not a patient person. Now I have to go on though because..
Who knows what this kid could be hiding...

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