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Peters pov
"You did good out there kid" "Thanks Mr.Stark!" "No problem,now get to bed it's late and you have school tomorrow" "Okay,okay,Good night Mr.Stark!" "Night"I walked to my room.I can't believe I'm staying with Mr.Stark!Its me and Neds dream come true.But I'm only staying here for a few days since May is away.As I get to my bed I feel more sad and scared.I almost always have nightmares so I usually stay up all night some nights I never can,It causes my insomnia.Although I would never tell Mr.Stark he already has enough on his shoulders.Tonight I have to go to sleep because then I won't do well on finals.Oh well,I'll just have to hope I don't have a nightmare.I laid down shut my eyes and tried to sleep.I felt scared as let myself drift off.
I look around as there is amber floating everywhere...I'm in the warehouse!Not agin!
I looked up to see the Vulture. "I'm sorry" he said as he cut the support beam and flew away.Then the building crumbled down on me.The building crushed me.I tried to get up but I was trapped.I tried to breath but I couldn't,I can't breath.Im scared. "Help somebody please"Then I see five figures,two unharmed.I gasp then start to cough agin as I see uncle Ben.Theres still blood dripping from his stomach. "Why did you let me die?You could've saved me,but you didn't!" "I'm sorry I tried!" Then May "Why would I ever want you?You let my husband die!" "I'm so sorry!"
Then my parents.Oh god,there's blood all over them! "If only you didn't let us go on that plane.But you did because you are heartless!
"No I'm not!"
"Then agin,Maybe you are"
I can see another figure in the shadows.It stepped out to reveal Mr.Stark?!
"I mean,you're such a disappointment!Why would I even want you?!You're just a charity case to me.Who would want a murderer like you!" "I'm sorry,I'm so sorry!"I continued to apologize as they started taunting and kicking me.
Tears welled up in my eyes as I started to cry.
"Look Peters crying!You're weak!"
Then I heard a voice.

Tony's pov
"....And done!"I sighed and stepped back looking at my work.It was a prototype for another one of my inventions.
I jumped up in surprise. "Ah, Friday don't do that agin!"
Sorry sir but Peters heart rate has picked up. My diagnosis, Night terror.
Wait what? I ran to Pete's room to see him flipping around, curled up he looks so small. He looks scared and delicate. He keeps whispering "I'm sorry" for some reason. It made me overly sad.
"How long has Pete been having night terrors, Fri?"
It appears to me this has happened and continued to happen since the day you marked
Home Coming, Sir.
I sucked in a breath. That means this has been happening for months straight and I never realized it. Oh kid. I sat on his bed trying to wake him up.
When his eyes finally popped open, the expression on his face made my heart drop to my stomach. What was so horrible that it made him this scared? He started to hyperventilate "Kid, it's okay!" I incased him in a hug as he seemed to calm down at this. I pulled away once he was fully calm. "What did you dream of?" He looked away. "Kid you can tell me, I won't judge" "You don't have to worry about it, I'm fine now!" "But you weren't a minute ago!" "Fine, just promise you won't get angry"
"I promise" I guess. It can't be that bad right? Oh god, what if he needs pharmacist! If he does his hot aunt might kill me! Shes scary when she's angry, dare I say frightening. "The night you picked me up" "What about it?" He sucked in a breath. "The Vulture, He- he dropped a building on me." My eyes widened. No no no! This has to be a joke right?! Christ he's too young to be dealing with this! How did I not notice?! He came in with so many injuries that night! He back was almost deformed!
"Sorry to bother you with this, it's silly and I'm fine." I made him look at me as he was pulling away from the hug. "Kid, your not bothering me but let me ask you, is what happened to you look fine?" "Y-yeah totally" He looked away while stuttering. "Don't lie to me, tell me the truth." "No!" That's what I thought. He tucked his head into my shirt like he was ashamed of crying. "There's nothing to be ashamed about, nightmares come with the job but you have to tell me things like this" "M, Kay" I don't want him keeping anything like this agin especially not after the bully incident. I could tell he was getting tired.Once he fell asleep, I tried to get up but almost woke him in the process so I stayed in case of any more nightmares. Poor kid its a regular thing for him. I accidentally fell asleep with him.
3rd pov
They both slept the entire night not knowing of Clints black mail which Tony would soon discover and Clint would have a black eye.

The father I thought I never have,and the kid I'll always Love.Where stories live. Discover now