Audio 10+11

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Tony's pov
"Hnnn...."Morning at last.That was expecting with everything that happened.I couldn't go to sleep.I got up and went down to the kitchen to see Pepper cooking. "Hey sleepyhead" "Hey,what are we having for breakfast?" "Eggs and toast" "Sounds better than what I made for dinner" "I bet so,I'm surprised you didn't burn the kitchen down" "I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear that" "Breakfast is served" "Looks good too" "No eating yet" "Why not?" "First we have to pray" "Oh,Shut up!We both know your not religious!" "Ha!Your right on that one" "Ok,ok,For real now,let's eat"
After Breakfast
Alright now that that's done and I have a full stomach with some coffee.I can get started on the audios.No distractions today.I have to get all of them done before Pete comes back.Witch should be tomorrow.I sorted through them.Alright now I can start.I slid in audio 10.
Hey guys!This ones going to be really short sense it's the weekend and almost nothing happened.
Right,what about patrol.
Patrol was pretty calm too...It's almost odd how quite the streets are compared to a few weeks ago.
Yeah,I guess that would be pretty odd.
Maybe it has something to do with the avenger war?I don't know.I want to help but I have to stay loyal to my home.
Oh,It was around that time.Well that probably explains why.Wait...I thought eyepatch said no one can hack him?!Damm that kid really is smart!
Well anyways that's all..Bye!
Wow that really was quick.Now on to the next one.Huh,There's no 11 there's only 12,oh well.Better than nothing I guess.I slid it in.
Hi agin!Well I wasn't really going to do this today but I found something very special.
Really,I wonder what it is.It could be something his father gave him right before he died.Or maybe his mother?
It's an old drawing.It reminds me of the time I went to the Stark exbo.I was so nieve back then.Me aunt May and uncle Ben were at the Stark Exbo when some super villains attacked.I held out my hand with a iron man glove thinking I could beat them.When Ironman jumped in and saved me and my family.
Wait.That was him?!Holy crap!I thought that kid was going to die!I didn't think I'd ever meet that kid agin.Well they did look alike but I thought that was just in my head!Petes got an awful lot of explaining to do when he gets back.Not like he already had enough.
Well,that was all so I'm probably going to go and do patrol.Maybe all day.OhShit!
What happened?Pete never cusses unless something awful happened.
Now I've gotta go!Have to bandage up my cuts before they bleed anymore!
What?!He cut?!Agin?!I thought he stopped or got better?!
I really should get a pharipist.
Yeah kid,you should.
But I'm not going to we can't afford one anyways so,bye!
Kid.I will pay for you what is so difficult about telling a issue?Its not like I'll freak out.
Flash backs
"I got hit by a bad guy.." "YOU WHAT?!Im bringing a gun" "Mr.Stark,No!" "Mr.Stark,yes!"
"Ow!" "What's wrong?" "Nothing,Just stubbed my toe" "Ok"
"Peter was this the table?" "Yea-What the Fuck?!Tony no!"Peter walked in on Tony about to saw down the table. "Tony,yes!"He sawed down the table.Then Natasha walked in. "Hey-What the Fuck is happening?" "Language-Holy hell!Tony you fucking sawed down the table?!" "It stubbed his toe"Tony then walked off as everyone looked at Peter. "Don't look at me"Later Client had a rough fall from the vents and wondered why there was a freaking table in half.
Flash back over
Yeah.....Definitely won't freak out...Wait,I just did......

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