harry styles

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A/N: I know I've already used a boy from One Direction in this book already but to me, this seems like something Harry would do. So bear with me and as always if you don't like the name used, insert another in it's place. Also I would like to remind you I am more active on Wattpad now and plus I AM TAKING REQUESTS so go back to the first page, re-read the details and send me a message or comment on what type of imagine you would like! :-) ENJOY!

You had fallen into a deep slumber, so deep that when your phone had vibrated indicating a received message against your pillow, you heard it in your dream. You heard it again. And again. And again, until finally your phone had vibrated loud enough to be able to awake you, and that's when you were starting to get angry.

From Hazza: are you up?
From Hazza: baby
From Hazza: wake up
From Hazza: I'm waiting
From Hazza: come outside :-)

You sighed groggily, bringing yourself to your feet before searching the room for a pair of leggings and a t-shirt to at least appear decent.
"Harry, you better not be bullshitting me." You think aloud as you stumble down the stairs.
several steps later, after you had prayed multiple times that you made it down the stairs without tripping, you opened your front door and groaned at the fact that your silly, goofy boyfriend was showing off his pearly whites (and dimples for that matter) at your doorstep to you at such a ridiculous time because he had woken you up, much like a young child would do to it's parents but at the foot of their bed. That was cute, however Harry as of this moment was considered otherwise.

"Good morning." He smiled.

"It's not a good morning if you wake me up at.." you pause as you check the time on your phone, "3 almost 4 AM you asshole. I just finished talking to you like 5 hours ago. What do you want?"

"Aw babe, I love you too." He joked sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, I'm tired, I really do love you." You apologized sincerely.

He takes a glance over your attire and decides you're dressed comfortably enough to ask you to join him.
"What? Where are we going at such a time like this?" You pondered.

"On a date." he responds as he grabs your hand and then locks the door to your high class apartment for you.

"Baby, I don't know about this.." You say starting to doubt and worry.

"Shh, it'll be fine. I have everything planned out, don't ruin it." He tries to assure you as he calls for a taxi.

"Woah, wait you planned this?!"

"Yes of course, love."

"Who plans a date at 3 am?" You mutter under your breath hoping Harry couldn't hear.

"A spontaneous boyfriend with good intentions." He remarks just as sassy before telling the driver to head off.

"How do I know you're not gonna take me out into the middle of the woods and kill me?"

"Okay first, I'm your boyfriend and I love you with all of my heart and I believe that promise ring I gave you in high school which you never take off, should assure you that and second it's New York City, there is nothing but streets and skyscrapers, let's be real."

"Okay Haz, I believe you." You say with sarcasm lacing throughout every tone in your voice, doubting what he has hidden in the picnic basket sitting to the left of him.

"It's food for us, don't look at me that way." He laughs and kisses your forehead.

Finally, you decided you were too tired and that you should relax and actually trust your crazy wild boyfriend, so you cradled yourself into his arms and closed your eyes.

Twenty minutes later you were awoken again to him gently shaking your shoulder and taking your hand to lead you into Central Park.

"Why are we here?" You say still half asleep.

"Shh, you'll see." He says as you walked upon a blanket laying on the ground with some candles and flower petals.

"Harry, you didn't..."

"Oh, but I did." He grins cockily. He sits the picnic basket he had been carrying along with him all night on the ground as he sat with his legs crossed in front of you. "Sit."

You sat and he handed you your favorite type of pizza and as you two ate, he listened to you talk about possibly anything and everything just because he loved the sound of your voice and in return you laughed at his jokes, despise the fact you thought they were corny but cute nonetheless.

As you had finished your slice of pizza, you had began to dig in the picnic basket for a napkin to wipe your mouth but when you turned around, you were surprised to find Harry standing.

So you also stood. "What are you doing?"

"Baby girl," He started before he dropped to one knee. Seeing you gasp quickly and cover your mouth, he smiled.

"You have been the love of my life for as long as I can remember, and you make me the happiest person alive. I can't go without talking to you for longer than a minute. You are always on my mind and even I my dreams at night. I thank The Lord above everyday for sending me someone like you although you thought it was a big mistake to wake up and join me on this date." He pauses to laugh. "But I love you anyway. I love your curves even though you say you hate them, I love the freckles splattered on your nose like paint on a canvas, I love how sarcastic and sassy you try to be with people but end up apologizing to them by how rude you think you sounded because you're afraid of offending them, I love the way your eyes always change from blue to green and how you can use them to speak to me without using words. I love the way your lips look full and plump and how they're always amazingly soft when molded against mine. I love how both of your pinkie toes sort of curve compared to the others but, basically what I'm saying is I love everything you do and don't love about yourself and I would like to love you for the rest of my life. So will you do me the favor and marry me?"

By now, you were fully in tears. You had finally found somebody that loves you and cares for you as much as you do them.

"Yes." you managed to say through crying happily.

"Wait what was that again?" He asks standing.

"Yes, Harry." You nod, "I will marry you." You smiled as you looked up at him and placed your hand in his for him to place the ring on your finger and kiss you.

"Now, Future Mrs.Styles, lay with me and let's stare at the stars until the sun rises."

"Geez, the cliché things I do for my fiancé." You giggled.

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