niall horan

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The boys came home for a hiatus and to go visit all their families. With you being Niall's neighbor and childhood best friend, you were pretty close to him and his family. When he received news that he would get time off, he had told you before he told his immediate family.

You had always thought of Niall as your "person" like the only being in the world that could fully understand you and know you better than you know yourself, and it was a bittersweet moment to watch him go off for the X-Factor. You were immensely proud of your boy from Mullingar, but you missed him being with you daily and everyday you checked the calendar and counted the days until Nialler came back home.

Luckily, today was the day and you no longer had to draw red X's after each day was over. You and Maura had set up a special welcome home party for him for his closest relatives and mates waiting for him to get home. The guests and you were all hiding once you heard Maura turning the doorknob. She walked in first, and slowly but surely Niall came following behind her trailing his luggage and looking down at his phone, probably in the midst of texting you.

They two had walked closer and Niall had opened his mouth to speak still facing downward typing and you were sure you had been caught.

"Hey mom, I'm hun-" he began but was cut off by everyone jumping out from the furniture they were crouched down behind.

"Surprise!!!" You screamed and lunged towards him for a hug.

His hands were tangled together under your bum, your legs were wrapped his waist, and your arms were wrapped tightly around his surprised face.

"I missed you!" You said in unison as you nuzzles into each other.

"Oh my gosh, you won't believe how much I've missed you, my band mates can't compete with me in video games like you do!" Niall spoke first, settling for kissing you on the cheek because of the immense amount of people in the room intently watching.

"Alright, love birds. Either party with us or get a room!" Greg yelled, laughing.

"How dare you ruin such a sweet reunion, Greg!!" Maura scolded him.

You and Niall has never dated, but you two basically acted like a couple without the title and both were never  interested in anyone else although you had not clarified that to each other.

"Yeah, right mom. Like he cares." Niall laughed, smiling at you before setting you down on your feet gently and heading over to hug his older brother.

A few hours into the party, Niall has mentioned to you that he didn't want to stay very longer and so you invited him across the street to your house to stay with you for a while.

You had grown tired and most everyone had left already excluding Maura's friends from her job so you decided you would leave, let Niall rest from seeing so many people at once.

"I'll be back later mom, I love you. Yes, I'll call you." He mumbled, locking the door.

You chuckled, both of your moms were worriers even if it was just across the street.

"Thank goodness, I was exhausted from listening to them talk about all the drama at work they have at work." The blonde boy spilled, rubbing his face.

You giggled, "Did you enjoy your party?"

"Yes, it was nice seeing everyone at once so I didn't have to go out and individually visit them one by one. Definitely way less tiring, but I just wanted to see you in all honesty." He confessed like it was nothing, grabbing your hand and leading you across the road.

"It's been so long since I've seen you. Well in person that is and not on magazines or TV." You laughed at your own joke.

"It's been eight months." He said sadly, slightly frowning at you.

"But now you're here and we can spend all the time in the world together and I'm so happy. I missed you so much and if you're sad, then I'll be sad so please be happy and let's go watch a comedy film or something." You smiled to him, heading towards your room. Your parents fell asleep as soon as they left the party or else they would have greeted Niall with "hey son!" as soon as he entered the house.

His hand is still grasping yours while you open your door and plop down on your bed.

"I'm so comfortable, oh my gosh." You said with your face squished against your mattress.

"Look, babe." Niall says slowly, raising his body and letting go of your hand. You suddenly raise up to face him and began to worry. His gently grabs your chin and looks deep into your eyes so you knew to take him seriously. "I've wanted to talk to you about something ever since before I left for the tour. Those two and a half months with you were the best time in my life and I have finally come to realize something I stupidly have not come to realize before. I couldn't think for you crossing my mind and it drove me so crazy and now I think you know where I'm going with this, so I'm just going to be blunt. I love you. I love you! And I want you to love me too, and hopefully-"

"Niall, I-" You stuttered before you were interrupted.

"we can be together despite the paparazzi and the fans and hopefully you'll want me because I am in love with you. I love your wide smile, I love your crinkly nose, I love your loud but cute laugh, I love your beautiful sparkling eyes, I love your big full lips, I love the way you act so comfortable and trusting towards me even after I've been thrown into the spotlight and have had grown accustomed to a new reality, I love the way you carry yourself and how you're so confident, the way you manage to look beautiful all the time even on a lazy day in sweats, I love the way you care and do for others in time of need, and you are everything I want. You're absolutely perfect to me."

"Niall," You started again.

"Don't say you're not worthy of me just because you're scared of publicity, please. We don't have to announce anything if you don't want to. It's about what you want and I want you happy."

"Okay but I-"

"I just love you and I want you to love me too more than anything in the world," He continued but you cut him off by kissing him.

"Niall! I love you too!" You confessed, your voice slightly shaky. "I've waited to hear you say those three words to me since the day you first moved in across the street when we were six."

Niall took a deep breath, and chuckled before looking at you adoringly and kissing you once again.

"Hey, I love you." You said childliahly poking his nose.

"I love you, beautiful." He smiled and engulfed you into his arms and leaned backwards to cuddle you so you could watch tv together.

"Want to watch the office?" You asked clicking the Netflix icon.

"You know me so well." He laughed.

I personally think this is the cutest imagine I have ever wrote and would sell my soul for it to become a reality -Cameryn

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