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A/N: As I said in my last post, if you don't like the person mentioned, replace it with another. Thank you.

You had been Dan Howell's girlfriend for a little over eight months now and you two had yet to let his fans know because you knew how devoted he was to his YouTube career. The two of you decided that you would tell his fans on your one year anniversary, but each felt like your relationship was quite strong.

Discussing it for a while, you finally managed to convince his worrisome self that everything would be okay, and he trusts you so today was the day he'd let the world know.

He was extremely nervous and don't get me wrong, you were too but you were oh so excited and thrilled because you wouldn't have to hide anything anymore.

As normal he sat in front of the camera and began to introduce you, "Guys, I have to tell you something. This is quite important to me and I would like for you to put some thought and consideration into what I'm about to say. For a long while now, I've been seeing this girl named Lourdes. Lo is honestly so sweet and means the world to me therefore, I ask you please do not be disrespectful about this. Come on out, babe!" He says happily as you slowly come to sit beside him.

"Hello everyone! I guess we'll be doing a girlfriend tag today?" Your statement sounding more like a question as you raise your eyebrows near your boyfriend.

"I thought this tag would be a great way for you all to get to know Lo by the way, totally my idea. But enough of this let's get started!" He says in excitement before encouraging you to explain the details of your little trivia game.

"We have at least five questions to ask each other, whoever wins gets to raid the loser's Instagram account with whatever they please." You smiled evilly.

"If you can't already tell, I'm nervous as hell." Dan laughed as he spoke closer to the camera.

"Everyone knows you can't remember anything for shit, you should be worried." You commented giggling.

Dan mocked a hurt expression as he held his hands over his heart before bursting out laughing along with you, "Lo's right, I have a horrid memory."

"First question: What's my favorite color?" You inquire as you raise an eyebrow at him.

A/N: okay guys I'm making up random stuff for answers to this okay? okay.

"It's definitely green." He says slowly, thinking it over.

"Ugh, one point for you." You grump.

"That was too easy! What's my dog's name?"

"Buster?" You guess and he sighs.

"We each have one point."

"Second question: What's my eye color?" You say quickly placing both your hands over his face so he can't look.

"It's a greenish-blue like I don't know how to explain it but it's beautiful." He comments.

"Aww, another point for my cheesy boy." You say as you kiss his cheek.

"What is my favorite meal?" He states.

"Apparently spaghetti because you ask me to make it for dinner like all the time." You laugh.

You both chuckle, "Yes! Your spaghetti is the best, oh my goodness!"

"Third question: What's my favorite song?"

"Lo, that's not fair you have so many!" He whines.

"Okay, let me rephrase. What's my number one favorite song of all time?"

"Obviously 'The A Team' by Ed Sheeran because you got the lyrics tattooed on you." He says smiling.

It was true. You had a huge obsession with Ed, as you pronounced him you "Ginger Jesus" and thought he was a lyrical genius. On your left rib cage, below the pit of your arm "the worst things in life come free to us" was engraved in permanent ink to remind you that yes, bad times often come but the good times are just around the corner.

Soon, the game was over and you had lost, seeming to forget how old he was when he learned to ride a bike and why he decided to shorten his name because he didn't like the way the name Daniel rolled off his tongue.

As you were super competitive, you knew this was just a game for fun but it killed you knowing he could post anything willingly without you being able to delete it. You were wringing your hands at the thought.

"Well now it's time to go and let me remind you here, Lo lost this game so I get to hack her account." He boasts.

"Until next time!" You bid.

"Bye!" The two of you say together before uploading the video.

You began to walk into the kitchen to get a snack, phone clutched tightly in hand.

"Oh, honey." He calls. "Don't you think you're forgetting something?"

"Uhm no. My phone's in my hand." You mumble.

"Exactly. Hand it over, sweetheart."

"Ugh, fine. Nothing sexual, you perv!" You groan playfully.

Instead of responding he just wiggles his eyebrows once you hand him your cell. You make your way back into the kitchen to make popcorn before the two of you watch a movie.

"Here you go." He grins after you sat in his lap on the living room's couch, watching tv.

"Oh goodness. I don't know if I'm ready to see." You comment nervously.

You open up the app and go straight to your profile to see an off guard picture of you as you gazed at the gorgeous streets of London in front of you in awe. With you being American, it was like a dream come true being in the UK. Your eyes scanned down to the caption and read "I was enjoying quite a view as well. -Dan"

A/N: Yay! First request! Thank you @fandomygirl for letting me write for you, I hope you enjoy it. I'm terribly sorry for the wait.

-Cameryn xx

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