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The smell of freshly brewed coffee woke me up on Saturday morning. Weekends are my favorite! But then again they're everyone's. My eyes blurred as I opened them. Once in focus, I scanned my room from my position. Huh? This wasn't they way I left it. I mean my pale pink walls were there but I don't remember there being a green spray painted pair of boobs on my door. The memories started to flood back. I remember a party. I could literally feel the music pounding in my ears again. Then something next to me in bed moved snapping me out of my thoughts. An arm is swung over my stomach. A very manly arm that is. I look down and ever so slowly move out from underneath it. Failing and flopping on the floor. Lucky for me the guy didn't move. Once I get to my feet, I look over at him. Not bad. He is half naked though. Well I actually don't know about the other half. It's cover by my bed sheets. I look down at my feet only to see I'm not wearing any pants. I quickly scan the floor for my blue silk pajama shorts. I find them but they're under a red solo cup. I bend down to pick them up but they're covered in, what I hope, is beer. Gross. Never mind. I can just get another pair from my dresser...which is on the floor with puke on it. Hmm. I stand up again. It's okay. I'll just get pants later. I still have my black boy short underwear on. Careful not to step on anything potentially painful or just plain gross, I make my way out of my bedroom. Crap! I mutter. My hallway walls are covered in food, alcohol, and vomit. How am I going to explain this to my parents? A sudden noise from the kitchen downstairs makes me jump. Silently I make my way down the stairs. My mom likes to keep a bat by the front door in case someone tries to break in the house. My dad, the cop, tells her she's crazy and to just use the gun we have underneath the dinning room table. If you haven't already gathered....we're a very protective family. We like our belongings safe. Anyway, the bat by the door is still there. I'm surprised someone hasn't used it. Usually someone ends up unconscious at a party. The kitchen it just around the corner. Bat in hand, I walk trying not to make any noise. "AHHHH!" I scream and swing the bat. Completely missing the crook and hitting my wall instead. Talk about bad aim. Now there's a huge dent in my wall. "AHHHH!" We both scream. "What the hell?" Once I reopen my eyes I realize its not a crook at all. "Jeremy?" I throw the bat on the floor. Jeremy Salvatore is the newest hottest guy at our school. Tasseled dark brown hair and light blue eyes, unimaginable gorgeous muscles. And at the moment he's in his boxer briefs with a button up shirt that's not so button up...if you know what I mean? Anyone in their right mind would throw themselves at him. My eyes scan him from the bottom up and I now see that he's cooking? "What are you doing?" I ask hiding my bare legs behind the kitchen island. I'm a typically tall person so it's not really working. "Making breakfast." He holds up the wooden spoon in his left hand. Pointing at my legs with the spoon he says, "I like your underwear," he pauses, "sexy." He turns back towards my oven where he seems to be cooking really delicious-smelling eggs. "Why?" I blush uncomfortably and sit on one of the wrought iron bar stools shielding my legs underneath the countertop. "Because...I'm hungry." He rolls his eyes in my direction. "I mean why are you still here? Shouldn't you have gone home by now?" I ask with a little more sass in my voice than before. He doesn't answer but I know he heard me. I open my mouth to say something but I'm cut off by a scream coming from upstairs. Jeremy and I run upstairs. Spoon in hand, Jeremy swings the bathroom door open. I'm behind him using him as a human shield. Classy. Blood covers the walls and the bathtub. I peer over his shoulder and see a girl in my bathtub. No doubt she's dead. She's laying on her back with an arm swung out over the rim. Jeremy walks inside and drops the spoon on the floor to check her pulse. He kneels down and takes her wrist. I move closer to him to see the girl more clearly now. I know her. Knew her. She was in my history class. Mckenzie Peterson. She was a typical nerdy girl. She had dark blonde hair and brown eyes. She usually wore sweaters but surprisingly she didn't wear glasses. Hmm. We sat next to each other for three weeks before Mrs. Albo moved seats. For the brief three weeks we did talk. I actually learned that her favorite color was green and that she had a crush on Andrew Ling, the genius in our grade. As I looked down on her dead body I felt bad. I felt like I was actually friends with her and genuinely upset that she died. Then some kind of feeling rushed over me. Panic. I stood up quickly. "I have to call 911." I announced and ran out of the room to grab the house line.

After I hung up I realized that she screamed and somehow ended up in my bathtub. Fear grew inside of me. I turned towards the bathroom. Jeremy wasn't in there anymore. "Jeremy?" I called. I looked around frantically. I could not possibly be freaking out more right now. Where was he? Did he die too? Just then I hear, "Bethany! Come in here." He yells from somewhere upstairs. Cautiously I walk outside the bathroom. I could feel tears of fear swelling in my eyes. What does he want me to see? Maybe it's not that bad. I round the corner into my bedroom and see him standing in the middle of room. He's staring at me as pale as a ghost. And he's really tan so it's kinda creepy. He turns away from me and faces the other side of my bed. The suspense of this is really cliché. Of course whatever he's looking at I can't see because it's on the other side of my bed...on the floor. I move closer to see. A LOT of dead bodies are piled up on one another. They're covered in blood. I look closer and remember all of them from last night. I remember dancing with them in the middle of my living room. I don't remember how the party got to my house. Their necks, wrists, and thighs are bitten (well whoever's thighs that I could see). My mind immediately raced back it couldn't be....vampires.


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