Chapter 13

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"I googled major celestial events happening this year and this is what came up." I slid the swivel chair over so Lia could read. I could feel her warm breath on the back of my neck sending chills up my spine. She smelled like blueberries and vanilla hand soap. "Nathan, this is great! Now we know exactly where it is." Lia smiled. "I'll go get Rachel so can cross it off her list." She laughed. I smiled. I've never felt this way before. I know every guy says that but it's true. My heart skips a beat every time she walks into the room and I feel really nervous, like I'm trying really hard to trip or anything that'll make me look stupid. She left the room and I took a deep breath. Then I scanned the screen again. Blood Moon, the title read. I reread the paragraph under the title, Blood moon occurrence this June. It will be most visible in the Alice Wainwright Park in Miami. Blood moons are supposed to represent turning a new leaf, or a major change. In some cultures, it is said to be a major source of power. I looked down at my hunter's tattoo. Yeah, magical witch cultures. I thought to myself. Arthur walked into the room. Ugh. I do NOT like this guy. Everything about him agitated me...between his curly blond hair, bubbly personality, and British's like he's an British Victoria's Secret model. I shuddered at the thought. Never mind. "Where's Lia?" He asked. I think it was at that exact moment that I realized...I really truly want to kill this guy. I weighed my options. I can make it look like an accident or better yet...frame Jeremy, he has no purpose other than to be "pretty" as Lia had previously described. I shook the murderous thought from my head and looked up from my tightly clenched fists. "She went to go find Rachel and Bethany, why?" I asked. Oh you know, cause we're soul mates and are planning to run away together on a magical purple unicorn! I imagined Arthur saying while flipping his hair. I laughed to myself. "I just wanted to tell her something." He smiled and walked out of the room. I stood up abruptly wanting to strangle him from behind but I quickly stopped myself. "Nathan! I was looking for you. Jeremy is waiting in the kitchen. Where's Arthur?" It was Rachel's mom, Cynthia. She'd promised to further explain how we were going to contact dead witches in supernatural purgatory. "Arthur went to find Lia." I said. "Go find everyone. They're all going to want to hear these instructions." She shooed me away. Following her orders I went and found Bethany and Rachel who were talking in the foyer. They returned to the kitchen and I continued looking for Lia and Arthur. Anger rushed over me. Why couldn't I find them and why was I so angry? What the hell is happening to me? "Arthur, I'm sorry about what I did befo-" I walked into the dining room. Arthur had Lia in a full on make out. Her eyes were closed. I didn't stay long enough to watch. I quickly stepped away from the doorway and rushed into the kitchen. "They're in the dining room, they'll be right here." I said quickly sitting on a bar stool next to Jeremy and Rachel. Bethany was in deep conversation with Cynthia by the kitchen sink. I buried my head in my hands when I felt someone tough my shoulder. It felt thin and girlish. Arthur? I turned quickly and saw Rachel. "Are you ok?" She asked. I shook her hand off my shoulder. "I'm fine." I snapped. I didn't mean to I was just so pissed off right now. "Sorry for asking." She recoiled. "Rachel, Im sorry." I apologized. "It's just...I..." Lia and Arthur walked into the room. Lia looked calm like nothing had happened. Arthur strolled in with his hand to his jaw slowly opening and closing it. Probably from making out so hard. "Are we all ready?" Cynthia asked. Arthur smirked at me like he knew that I saw and he was loving every minute of it. I stood up knocking the chair over. He was not getting away with this. I grabbed a knife from its holder on the island and stabbed him in his puny little shoulder. I left the knife there and walked out of the room and into the bathroom. I slammed the door quickly and locked it. DAMN IT I HATE HIM! His vampirism is the only thing keeping him alive right now. I kicked the bathtub really hard and probably broke my toe. "MOTHER F-!" I bit my lip and grabbed my sneaker. I sat down on the toilet seat. I dropped my foot and just sat there. Tears started spilling down my face. I cried silently not wanting to stop. I wasn't crying because I broke my foot, I was crying because my heart was broken. It felt like Arthur ripped it out of my chest and Lia broke it into a million pieces. I rocked back and forth clutching my chest. My heart hurt, literally.


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