Chapter 12

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"Ok so I made a list of what we need to do." I held my clipboard in one hand and a pen in the other. "I don't think we need a list." Lia said happily. "Yes we do." I said plainly and looked down at the clipboard. "Ok." Lia answered. "First we need to find an object from the Aries coven. Any ideas?" I looked at Nathan hoping he might know something. He looked up from his creepy stake whittling. Everyone in the room was watching him. "What was the question? Sorry I zone out sometimes." He said. "Sounds like someone I know." I muttered under my breath and looked directly at Lia. "What?" She looked up with wide eyes from twirling her ring around her finger. I laughed to myself. "So does anyone know anything?" I asked. Arthur raised his hand. "Yes Arthur?" I asked lowering my head. Why is this child so odd? "Every witch coven has a talisman." He answered. I rolled my eyes and leaned on the kitchen island. "And?" I asked. "A talisman is an object that has magical qualities. Witches usually draw their powers from there." My mom said, we called and asked for her help. She arrived within minutes and here we are. Nathan shifted his position in the bar stool. My mom started to tell a story, "At the beginning of time there was a group of 12 witches. They were one coven, united. They were known as the Original Witches. A feud, no one knows the real story, broke the 12 apart. A secret curse was created by the most powerful coven, Libra, as punishment for the fighting. In the end each witch created their own coven which we, today, know as the astrology signs. Each coven is made up of other witches with the same sign. Therefore enhancing their personalities. The Libra's are the leaders because they provide balance. The Taurus's are stubborn, etc. but the Scorpio's have always desired the power that the Libra's have. They have tried turning themselves into vampires to become immortal but the Libra's have made it a point that one can be witch or a vampire but never both. A vampire witch would be extremely powerful. I mean, can you imagine? An immortal with magic? vampires are dead and withes are servants to nature, living things, there would be no balance. Balance is the one thing Libra's crave. After that they have been banned from practicing traditional magic," Nathan interrupted, "Traditional magic?" He asked. "Incantations, grimoires, channelling the withes in supernatural purgatory, but they have found other ways...darker ways." She said. "Anyway, as time passed the witches grew away from this feud and made peace with one another. They help each other when needed but they are scattered across the world. The Scorpio's have never stopped holding a grudge however. Me and thousands of others aren't in a coven. Did I mention each coven is only allowed 12 members? It's part of tradition. So, only the coven leaders know what and where the talisman is." Nathan interrupted again, "Where it is? You mean it's not with the coven?" My mom shook her head, "No. They've all hidden it. Few keep it with them but most of them are hidden on opposite ends of the world where no one will ever find it. They can still call upon its magic from a far distance and very rarely do they every go to it. They don't want to risk people finding its location." She finished and looked at each one of us. Bethany perked up and asked, "Could the curse be connected to the prophecy and the red ribbons?" "If that's true, then you're not looking for just Aries coven. Your looking for the Original Witches." My mom said. "Aren't they dead?" Lia asked. Her head was propped in her hands, she looked very interested. "Exactly, you'll need to contact them in the supernatural purgatory." She smiled. I wasn't sure how to feel right now. She seemed pretty sure of all this but at the same time she "How?" I asked. "You'll need to find each coven's talisman. With that you will travel into the purgatory and call upon the witches. But you will only bring 11 of the 12 talismans. If you call upon the Scorpio's original leader, she will unleash hell in the supernatural purgatory and with her talisman and all the other talismans there she will break the threshold between purgatory and our world and who knows what she will do with all that power." My mom stopped. I looked around the kitchen. Everyone was aghast. I swear Lia's jaw was touching the island. "Wait? How do we find each coven? You said they were separated all around the world?" Bethany asked. "There's a huge celestial event passing over Miami, I think it's a comet. Anyway, every time there is a huge celestial event all the witch covens gather together and harness the energy. Then they divide the magic harnessed between the 11 equally so that each coven will have stronger magic until the next celestial event. That's where you'll find all the covens. It's important to remember never to mess with witches so you'll have to convince them into to giving you their talismans." She said. Nathan held up his hand, "Say we do convince them into giving up their talismans, how do we get to the supernatural purgatory?" He asked. My mom smiled knowingly, "That's where you three come in." She pointed at Nathan, Arthur and Jeremy. Lia, Bethany and I all looked at each other. I assumed my mom would've said the three of us. "I think I need to make a new list." I dropped my clipboard on the kitchen island and looked up at the boys who were all looking at each other as if to say, Do you know what the hell is going on? To answer their question, no...I had no clue.


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