Chapter 14

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"Arthur, I am so sorry about be-" Arthur slammed his lips onto mine. What the? I pulled back instantly and looked him straight in the eye. "How dare you!" I slapped him across the face. "I told you I wasn't your girlfriend!" I slapped him again. "I can't even! Why? You!" I narrowed my eyes at him and gave him a murderous death look. "We are never to speak of this! Got it?!" I whispered loudly. "I am NOT your girlfriend! We are NOT together! NEVER do that again!" I continued. I slapped him hard again. Then I stormed out of the room and put on the best calm face I possibly could and made my way into the kitchen. Nathan was the first person I looked at when I walked into the kitchen. Why did I do that? It was probably just a coincidence. He looked at Arthur who followed me into the kitchen clutching his jaw wit his hand. What was his problem? I shook my head and pushed my hair off my shoulders. I pulled myself onto the kitchen island next to Bethany. "Are we all ready?" Cynthia asked. I nodded and looked down into my hands. I looked back and forth between Arthur and Nathan. What was going on? Am I missing something? Just then Nathan jumped up from the bar stool and knocked it over. I jumped right out of my skin and let out a small squeal. I swear it all happened so fast I barely wrapped my head around it. All at once Arthur got stabbed and Nathan wound up in the bathroom. I am so lost.


"Are you ok, Arthur?" I asked pulling the knife out his shoulder. "I can't believe that di-" Arthur tried to curse but I pulled the knife out quickly so he couldn't. "What did you do to him?" I asked dropping the knife in the sink. I washed my hands and looked up at Arthur waiting for an answer. "I didn't do anything to him!" He defended himself rubbing his shoulder. Then he looked around the room at everyone talking. "Do you think you think he knows?" He whispered. I rolled my eyes. He's so dramatic. "I'm gonna go talk to him." I dried my hands and started to walk out of the kitchen but Arthur grabbed my arm. He did not just do that. I slowly lifted his hand and turned to face him. As I held his hand in mine and bent his fingers backwards until I heard cracking. As I broke his knuckles I saw the terrified-with-pain look on his face. Kinda satisfying. "I told you twice...I will not tell you again. I am not your girlfriend and you do not own me. If you think you do, get that asinine idea out of your head or I will make this look like a massage." I whispered in his ear and held up broken his hand to his face. "Got it?" I smiled, dropped his hand and happily walked to the bathroom. Knock, knock. "Nathan? Are you in there?" I asked. Not sure why though, I knew he was. I heard the lock on the door turning. Nathan peeked through the crack in the door. His face was red and blotchy like he was crying. Huh? "Can I come in?" I asked softly. He pulled the door open revealing his face. It was turning back to normal. He shut the door behind me and sat on the toilet seat. I walked over to the bathtub and sat down on the edge. "I'm sorry." He said looking down. "I didn't mean to overreact. I just...I'm sorry." He looked up at me briefly then back down to his hands. "It's ok. Arthur's fine." I said. Nathan stood up at me in anger. "I don't care about Arthur!" He said loudly. Ok if that's how you wanna do things! I stood up too and moved close to him. "Don't yell! You will explain what the hell is going on!" I demanded. He backed up. "I saw you and Arthur kissing and I'm not sure why but I just got really angry and when we were in the kitchen I saw him smirk at me and I just thought that he knew I knew and I couldn't take it anymore and I think I might like yo-" he rambled on and on then stopped himself. I was taken back a second. Um...ok? "Nathan you-" I tried to defend myself but Nathan moved in really close and press himself to me and kissed me. This time I spontaneously got kissed I didn't back up quickly like I did with Arthur. I dug my nails into his back muscles and ran my other hand through his jet black hair. Then I pulled away realizing what I was doing. "I have to...I'm gonna...thank you...sorry...I-" I stuttered and backed out of the door. I knocked into the small tabled by the bathroom door holding magazines, extra toilet paper, air freshener, etc. I tried to put it back together but just gave up and quickly shut the door. "What just happened in there?" Rachel stood behind me with her arms crossed over her chest. She was looking at my hair which was probably a mess from kissing Nathan. I quickly brushed my hands through it. "Umm..." I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the dinning room. "Arthur just kissed me in here before and Nathan told me in the bathroom that he saw and he got really jealous and that's why he stabbed Arthur. Then completely out of no where he kisses me and I kinda kissed him back whereas when Arthur kissed me I pulled away and slapped three times." I took a deep breath. Rachel was grinning stupidly. "I don't know whether to be happy for you or completely and totally angry. She smiled. I cocked my head, "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well, I'm happy for you because you are my best friend and two guys are totally in love with you, and I'm angry with you because two guys are totally in love with you and Bethany has Jeremy and I'm all alone." She paused and looked off into the distance, "Forever alone." She sighed and then looked back at me and smiled. I playfully punched her in the shoulder. "Guys?" Bethany walked into the room. "Your mom wants us in the kitchen so she can actually tell you what we're going to do." She said as she stood in the doorway. "Why is Rachel grinning like a nut?" She asked pointing to Rachel. Rachel moved closer to Bethany and they linked arms. I quickly followed Rachel and linked arms with her. "So Lia was just telling me what just happened with her and Arthur-" Rachel continued to explain the story and all my problems seemed to fade away. According to Rachel, they weren't problems at all. I just couldn't shake the giddy feeling that I got from kissing Nathan. Why did it feel different from Arthur? Why couldn't I stop imagining Nathan's face when he was confessing his feelings? Did I like him? We walked into the kitchen and Nathan was standing at the bar. My heart jumped and then I realized something. I might not just like him...I might actually love him.


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