Chapter 11

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"Go ahead. Explain." I crossed my arms and sat on the couch. Arthur stepped forward. "About a week before I left for Canada a car hit me. I was on my way home from school and you called. I was going through my book bag and crossing the street. I know stupid. So anyway, I was taken to the hospital and it was worse than they thought. There was a lot of internal bleeding. A doctor said she was a vampire and she fed me her blood. I thought she was crazy but within ours all my wounds were healed. They let me go ho-" I held my finger up. "How did I not know about this? I mean you got hit by a car." I interjected. "I didn't want you to freak out." He responded. "Oh yeah well Im pretty freaked out." I said. I gripped my thigh in attempt to control my anger. "Then the next day I...died." He lowered his head. "You what!?" I stood up. Nathan moved closer. "In order to turn into a have to be fed vampire blood, die, and then drink human blood." I waved him off, "I know that. I wanna know how you died." I said. "Alfred suggested that we go hiking in the woods. I know, he's an idiot and I should really stop listening to him." Arthur laughed it off awkwardly. "Ya think?" I mumbled. "I don't remember everything but I do remember waking up at the bottom of a cliff. I guess I tripped and fell. Alfred said I broke my neck, he heard the snap. He rushed down there to help me...his arm was cut by a thorn bush and...I kinda drank his blood...all of it." He stopped. "You killed Alfred!?" My mind was spinning. This is not happening. "He's your best friend. Why would you kill him?" I yelled. Nathan grabbed my arm but I pulled it away. "I turned into a vampire and the only way to complete the transition was to feed." Arthur said quickly. "Keep going." I sat back down on the couch. "I went to Canada to find help. I didn't know what to do. There were people up there who knew what I was going through and they helped me through it. I'm fine now." He said sitting next to me. I stood up. "No! You don't understand. I'm a vampire hunter and you're a vampire!" I ran my fingers through my hair. "You are NOT my boyfriend!" I yelled. I just remembered what Arthur had said earlier and I needed to get that out there. "How do you two know each other?" I paced back and forth. Nathan said, "We met in Canada. I was there on an errand for my dad. I came across a group of vampires and Arthur was with them. I couldn't help's instinctive. I killed most of his friends but he escaped before I could kill him too." "Well, that's not gonna happen. You're not gonna kill him and neither am I. He's gonna come with us to Maine. You're my friend and I need you with me." I said. "No way!" Nathan yelled. "Shut up! I'm coming. She needs protection!" Arthur stood up to Nathan. Arthur looked like he was a whole foot shorter then Nathan. Arthur's green eyes were wide with anger and Nathan's hair fell in his eyes again. "I can protect myself! I don't need some guy to do it for me!" I crossed my arms. "She doesn't need your protecting! I can keep her safe! Not you!" Nathan yelled. Nathan and Arthur were really close to each other. It was a stare down. "I hate you both!" I screamed. I ran up behind Arthur and staked him in the shoulder. As he fell to the floor I leapt over him and pulled a knife out of my pocket. I pinned Nathan to the floor and held the knife to his throat. It all happened so fast but it felt really good. "I said. I don't need protecting." I stood up and shoved the knife back in my pocket. Rachel burst into the living room with Jeremy and Bethany behind her. "We heard something and-" Rachel looked at her surroundings. I was stepping on Nathan's chest with my combat boot and Arthur was still struggling to get the stake out from his back. "Ok then." Rachel said. I picked my foot up and crossed my arms. "What'd your mom say?" I asked cocking my head. Rachel and Bethany smiled as if to say, Yes! You go girl. Jeremy looked kind of frightened that he might be next. I smiled to myself. I like being a vampire hunter. It's awesome.


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