5. The Ballad of Lian and Cheng-【怜城辞/Lián Chéng Cí】

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The Ballad of Lian and Cheng- 怜城辞/Lián Chéng Cí
Heaven Official's Blessing Donghua S2- Theme Song

Vocalist: Lu Han
Lyrics: Zheng Zhihuan
Composer: Jinwoo Choi


等一轮风声 熟透了夜深
Děng yī lún fēngshēng shú tòule yè shēn

等一盏清晨 篆刻一座城
Děng yī zhǎn qīngchén zhuànkè yīzuò chéng

几翻坠入了凡尘 几度折煞了世人
Jǐ fān zhuì rùle fánchén jǐ dù zhé shāle shìrén

固执的眼神 谁在等
Gùzhí de yǎnshén shéi zài děng

茶凉夜色冷 红伞遮雨痕
Chá liáng yèsè lěng hóng sǎn zhē yǔ hén

容我再认真 信仰的部分
Róng wǒ zài rènzhēn xìnyǎng de bùfèn

怜城一顾非旧人 百年浮沉如前尘
Lián chéng yī gù fēi jiù rén bǎinián fúchén rú qiánchén

Shéi shǒuhù yīshēng bùguò wèn

花与剑无痕 高挂一轮明灯
Huā yǔ jiàn wú hén gāo guà yī lún míngdēng

银蝶染旧梦 生死莫再问
Yín dié rǎn jiùmèng shēngsǐ mò zài wèn

而你始终一路跟 人间多少轮回声
Er nǐ shǐzhōng yīlù gēn rénjiān duōshǎo lúnhuí shēng

我一如默认 无谓沉沦
Wǒ yī rú mòrèn wúwèi chénlún

不安的残灯 往回忆延伸
Bù'ān dì cán dēng wǎng huíyì yánshēn

晚风晃一阵 红衣人易分
Wǎn fēng huǎng yīzhèn hóng yī rén yì fēn

难得你奋不顾身 陪我一世浮沉
Nándé nǐ fènbùgùshēn péi wǒ yīshì fúchén 

愁绪无分寸 心事如皱纹
Chóuxù wú fēncùn xīnshì rú zhòuwén

一整座星辰 道不破诚恳
Yī zhěng zuò xīngchén dào bùpò chéngkěn

谁一朝得道飞升 谁辗转未知鬼神
Shéi yī zhāo dé dào fēishēng shéi niǎnzhuǎn wèizhī guǐshén

是非如刀刃 会伤人
Shìfēi rú dāorèn huì shāng rén 

花与剑无痕 高挂一轮明灯
Huā yǔ jiàn wú hén gāo guà yī lún míngdēng

银蝶染旧梦 生死莫再问
Yín dié rǎn jiùmèng shēngsǐ mò zài wèn

而你始终一路跟 人间多少轮回声
Ér nǐ shǐzhōng yīlù gēn rénjiān duōshǎo lúnhuí shēng

我一如默认 无谓沉沦
Wǒ yī rú mòrèn wúwèi chénlún

花与剑无痕 高挂一轮明灯
Huā yǔ jiàn wú hén gāo guà yī lún míngdēng

银蝶染旧梦 生死莫再问
Yín dié rǎn jiùmèng shēngsǐ mò zài wèn

而你始终一路跟 人间多少轮回声
Ér nǐ shǐzhōng yīlù gēn rénjiān duōshǎo lúnhuí shēng

我一如默认 无谓沉沦
Wǒ yī rú mòrèn wúwèi chénlún

我一如默认 无谓沉沦
Wǒ yī rú mòrèn wúwèi chénlún


Waiting for the sound of wind, tiring of the deep night
Waiting for dawn's light, sealing the city
Descending into the mortal world again and again, overwhelming and ruining the masses
That stubborn gaze, who is the one who waits?

The tea is cooling, the dim night grows cold; the red umbrella shields from the marks of rain
Allow me to be more earnest in my faith
With a glance, Lian and Cheng were more than old acquaintances; centuries of striving can at last be laid to rest
Who keeps watch for a lifetime? I will not ask

The flower and sword leave no marks; hang a round of bright lanterns high above
Silver butterflies drift into old dreams, ask not of life and death
Yet you are by my side from beginning to end, through countless rounds of life's ups and downs
As default, I tacitly allow myself to sink into the chaos of love

The lanterns flicker uneasily, shining a light on old memories
The night breeze flashes past, the person in red was easily distinguished
You alone disregard your safety to fearlessly dash ahead into danger, accompanying me for a lifetime

Melancholy is without reason, the heart's worries are like wrinkle
Yet the curse of the entire Star of Solitude couldn't destroy your sincerity
Who was the one who ascended? Who was the one who went through strife, transforming into a nameless ghost?
Right and wrong are questions dangerous as a knife's edge, and will leave wounds

The flower and sword leave no marks; hang a round of bright lanterns high above
Silver butterflies drift into old dreams, ask not of life and death
Yet you are by my side from beginning to end, through countless rounds of life's ups and downs
As default, I tacitly allow myself to sink into the chaos of love

As default, I tacitly allow myself to sink into the chaos of love

🔸 The title & lyrics can be interpreted either as 'The Ballad of Lian & Cheng', referring to HuaLian in general, or 'Ballad of Love for (Hua) Cheng', written from Xie Lian's pov specifically.

"If I could, I would have you use me as your stepping stone, the bridge you burn after crossing, the corpse bones you need to trample to climb up, the sinner who deserved the butchering of millions knives. But I know you wouldn't allow it....." - Hua Cheng

"If you don't know the meaning of your life, then make me that meaning and use me as the reason to live" - Xie Lian

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