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Louis Tomlinson isn't your average teacher. He graduated from his collage at a really young age, always pushed by his parents as a kid to be the best and be higher than everyone else.

He wasn't really a social person because of his hectic life and natuarally being an introvert. The only people he would ever talk to are his students and his acquaintances in the teacher lounge.

Just like every person he has his likes and dislikes. He's never one to hate on someone, he may have strongly disliked a person, but never hate. Even if some one isn't his cup of tea he still puts on a facade and still speaks to them as he would to anyone.

He tries his best to be unproblematic and avoid conflict at all cost.

Unlike the 28 year old highschool teacher, Harry Styles is just the total opposite of Louis.

He's loud, rude, head of all conflict and fights, often gets himself into trouble, and is just in general a very problematic person.

Harry got diagnosed with ADHD as a kid, and although not technically a learning disability, he still has problems with learning and concentration. Thankfully his parents make it their job to make sure he exceeds in school.

He isn't be best, but he definitely isn't the worst either. He gets average grades and gets special treatment from almost every teacher because of his incapability to focus normally.

He treats almost every teacher like he does with kids, he refuses to speak to them according to manner and is just a troubled kid. He's gotten into so many fights that even the teachers lost track.

He's always quick to answer back and give his colourful opinion. He doesn't really care for majority of his teachers and often pisses them off for his own entertainment.

Nobody could understand why Harry chooses to behave the way he does. He was always a quiet and well behaved kid growing up, but post teenage years, he made it his life's goal to be the one kid that everyone is scared off.

Not even teachers understand why he chose to change his behaviour.

Well, that is expect for Louis Tomlinson, his math teacher.

For some reason Louis managed to get the roll as Harry's teacher since he attended primary school. And before that he worked as the clerk at the front desk, so he basically has known Harry his entire life.

Only he understand why Harry lashes out at everyone and puts on a bad boy act.

Everyone knows that Louis and Harry have known eachother for a long time, and everyone knows that their student and teacher relationship isn't exactly a normal one either.

You see, unlike other teachers, Harry makes it his job to harass Louis. Harry would often make comments about him to get under his skin, throwing stuff and teasing him about anything just to mess with him.

Oh and knowing that Louis wasn't a fan of his sexuality-well, let's just say that Harry makes sure to remind him almost everyday.

The strangest thing though is that Louis doesn't seem to mind Harry's childish ways, infact he plays along with him because he when he does it just pisses of Harry. And he loves getting that reaction out of Harry.

Their relationship has never stepped out of school though. They only speak and interact with eachother in school, they've never crossed paths outside school and had a plan on never doing so.

Then again, nobody ever said that everything would go as planned.

Harry's in his last year of highschool and has to write his usual CXC exam. That exam is quite important to him considering that he wants to get all 1's.

He knows that he's not the best as math, he goes and asks his principal if it would be okay for someone to tutor him. She didn't even hesitate.

She figures that the best person to tutor Harry would be his teacher since Louis seems to be the only one to understand-and strangely standup-for Harry.

On hearing this news, everyone knew that their relationship would change-maybe even get a bit better with all that time spent together, but the last thing anyone expected was for it to turn into a sexual one.


I hope you all enjoyed <3

Should I continue this or not? <3

If you all decide that I should continue, I can't really predict an uploading schedule, but for now I'll try to update every Sunday <3

Also, thanks so much for all those quick responses on my message board about posting this, I'm glad some people are excited for this, kinda suprised so many cared and reasponded but I appreciate you all <3


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