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Got nothing else to say, so enjoy <3

Harry on the side! X


Ms. Alvarez wished she could say that she was suprised seeing nephew in her office with a teacher at his side- specifically Mr. Tomlinson, honestly, she's lost track of how many times Harry got called into her office.

"What did he do this time."

"Grinding ontop of Mr. Malik at the back of the school."

"How did you even find us Mr. Tomlinson?" Louis shrugged a little, he was just going to the bathroom when he heard a low moan at the back, all he saw was the top of Harry's beanie and he immediately called them out.

"Thanks alot Mr. Tomlinson, now who will fix this for me?" Harry gestured to his hard on, Zayn chuckled and responded that he can come over later if he wanted and he would. Louis cringed a little.

"What am I going to do with you?"

"If you let us off we promise we won't do it again in school." Yeah right, both teachers knew that Zayn and Harry don't care and would do it again.

"Sure, Zayn I will have to be calling in your mother and so will Anne, H." They both groaned but shrugged, they knew they weren't going to be an any serious trouble so they didn't care.

Anne was to caught up in arguing with Robin to notice or care, so it didn't bother Harry at all.

"Alright, I think that's it-I'll call both their parents after school." She told Louis and looked at them, telling both Harry and Zayn to get to class. "Fineee."

Zayn got up and left, Harry didn't move.

Louis already know why so he told Ms. Alvarez to leave so he could have a talk with Harry.

"You got kicked out of class, didn't you?" He nodded proudly, Louis closed the door. "Seriously? Which class was it?"

"Ms. Calder." Louis made a face. "Oh, okay in that case I guess I can talk to her about getting you back in class-"

"-and Luke."

"Luke?-you got Mr. Mullen involved in this! Where is he!?"

"Bathroom, but I texted him that you caught Zayn and I so I have no idea where he is." Louis groaned, Harry was going to be the death of him.

What annoyed Louis the most is that Harry didn't seem to take any of this serious either.

"Do you have any idea how much trouble you're in, Harry? You've been caught out in the back of the school smoking and dry humping Zayn."

"Jealous Mr. Tomlinson?"

"Oh god no, never in a millon years." Louis glared at him a little but sighed.

"Get to class Harry, I'll talk to Ms. Calder and get both you and Luke in class when we find him." Harry pouted and shook his head, coming out of the chair and walking over to Louis that was now on high alert.

"Do you have to?" Louis nodded and backed away a little, hitting the edge of the table with his back and slowly becoming pinned to it by Harry.

"Harry." Louis said in a warning tone but Harry ignored it, instead giving Louis a tight smirk and leaning his face down. "Let's not, yeah? We can have some fun right here."

"I'm your teacher Harry, oh my gosh." Harry scoffed. "Doesn't stop others now doesn't it?"

"True, but I'm not risking my job just to sleep around with a student, you're a kid-and a guy."

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