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At first Harry seemed shocked by Louis' sudden question, but after a minute or two he came back to his senses and gave Louis a smug smirk, asking if this was his attempt of gettim him alone so he could have his way with him. Louis rolled his eyes and shook his head, apologizing to the near by customers that turned their head at them.

Louis grabbed Louis' arm and dragged him out the lane and into the main walk way, crossing his arms with an unimpressed look.

"How dare you say such a thing! Espically in public!?" Harry blew him a kiss and claimed that he was only bothered by it because what he said was true, and that he just didn't want to admit it to himself.

Louis' jaw dropped a little at it, shaking his head and denying it. "You know, if you're going to at like this, I'll just leave you to walk home then."

Louis turned around but Harry stopped him, sighing and lowering his head. "Sorry, and yeah, I'd love to ride you."

"Ride with me Harry, I know where you mind goes."

"And what would that say about you?" Harry licked his lips and eyed him, Louis groaning and scolding him lightly.

"Are you done shopping?" Harry looked through everything on the list and in the basket, nodding. "Looks so, what about you?"

"I'm done aswell, let's go check it out." They headed off to the front, smiling at the cashier and placed everything onto the machine and paying for their individual sets of food supplies.

Once out of the grocery, the walked up to Louis car-Harry making a sexual joke about Louis placing a coke bottle into his mouth so he could open the door, but ignored the remark and got inside and waited for Harry to adjust because he had alot more things to unload.

"Done?" Louis checked after Harry started buckling up. "Yeah." Harry gave him his address and they drove off, listening to the soft songs that were coming out from the radio.

Louis kept his focus on the road the entire time, but he would often glance at Harry in pity because it's then he realized how hard Harry's life actually is. For one he seemed to be spacing out more and was a literal shaking mess.

Harry kept digging his nails into his wrist, picking at it somehow which made Louis' quite worried because he's been doing it for a while and really long. Wanting to find out if he's okay and hopefully get him out of it, Louis pulled aside and shook Harry, scaring him.

"Oh gosh, what?" Harry asked, startled and placing his hand over his heart. "You were out of it." Louis told him, looking at his wrist and frowned, unbuckling his seatbelt and leaning into Harry a little, grabbing ahold of it.

Louis looked between Harry and his arm, trying to find any sort of discomfort but Harry seemed more shock than anything.

Louis cleared his throat. "Is it okay if I touch it?" He gazed at the bluish marks, and Harry got the signal; shaking his head and pulling his hand away, asking why Louis was so intrested suddenly in his life with a very annoyed tone that just made Louis roll his eyes.

"I'm trying to help."

"Yeah well, I'm fine."

"Then why are there marks on your arm?" Harry raised his hand and shook his fingers.

"My nails, it's an anxiety and ADHD tick I have." Harry rolled his eyes at Louis, clenching his teeth a little and crossing his arms. Louis scoffed. "Sorry for being concerned."

"Don't be like this Mr. Tomlinson, you know your place in this banter thing we have going on."

"Exactly, I never say anything about you sexually harassing me everyday for ten years, it's not that big of a deal."

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