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Thank you all so much for 600+ reads! :)

I've decided to change my uploading schedule, I'll be uploading once every other week. School's really hard and tough right now and I'm also working on hctmb and it's really stressful to update both books on the same week.

I'll put the date of the next chapter at the end incase anyone's still confused :)

Liam on the side <3


"So, why don't you want a tutor again?" Penelope asked again, not really understanding why Harry was being so persistent on getting out of a tutoring session.

"Because it's pointless, when I go home it's the same thing all over again-mom and and dad yelling non-stop. I couldn't even do my english and math homework because of it!"

"Again, what does this have to do with a tutor?"

"It's pointless, when I go home I won't be able to get any work done. Having a tutor will help me understand but what's the point if I can't do the work afterwards?"

"You're not making any sense Harry." He scoffed. "Of course you wouldn't think so, all I'm saying is that you should cancel the tutoring session." She sighed and shook her head.

"Just give it a try until Friday, yeah?" Harry tried to reason with her on why she should just end it, but she insisted that he give it a try.

Harry wasn't going to like it, but he agreed to it after lots of negotiating.

"Good, trust me, you'll like who he is."

"So it's a guy?" She nodded with a grin and told Harry to not overthink it and instead get to class-Ms Calder's class, actually.

"Fine, but only because her class gives me a chance to think of who it is."

"No Harry, you'll pay attention to what she has to say." He made a face but nodded. "Sure."


"-I'll pay attention, I promise." Penelope didn't even bother to give him a lecture because she knew Harry would just zone out even if he didn't want to.

Sure his medication worked to help him concentrate, but when it comes to Ms. Calder's class, he'll hyperfocus on anything but her class.

Harry left and waved Ms. Alvarez goodbye, shaking his head at Zayn who had Liam pinned to a locker and walked away. Zayn and him are quite good friends, but he knows better than to intervene with him and Liam if he doesn't want an arguement to breakout.

He was about to pass Mr. Tomlinson's classroom but he stopped and smiled. He was wearing such a tight suit, his arse seemed to be sticking out aswell which made Harry lick his lips.

He's sexually attracted to Mr. Tomlinson, he isn't ashamed to admit it.

"Tommo!" Harry yelled after yanking the door open, everyone looked at him and Louis shook his head in annoyance. "What?" Harry closed the door and walked towards his desk.

"Harry, shouldn't you be in class?" Louis asked after Harry leaned against his table, slightly sitting on it.

"I should, but you're more intresting." Louis rolled his eyes and told Harry to get to class which he ignored. "I promise I won't do anything to distract you, let me stay, please."

"No, out." Harry pouted and walked up to him, mainting eye contact and crossing his arms.

"Make me, sir." He said in such a serious manner. Louis made a face but said nothing, instead just mumbling something under his breath and telling Harry to have a seat.

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