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When six pm arrived that evening, Louis kept staring at a text that Eleanor sent him not even ten minutes ago; apologizing once more, and assured Louis that she would keep her distance from him from now on once more.

Louis felt so conflicted; happy to know that Eleanor is finallg leaving him alone, but guilty in a way, because despite how annoying she is to him, he knew that he had no right to speak to her that way.

He wanted to look at it as a pro; having his school life stress reduced by 50% (that other 50% belonged to no other than Mr Harry Styles himself), and he could walk into the school without having to look over his shoulder in worry that he'd bumb into Eleanor.

The con however, is more that he feels so fucking guilty. Like sure she was a bit childish and stalkerish by changing her number and whatnot to get into contact with him once more, but Louis would like to think that it could be that she just wanted a friend and didn't know any better.

You know, be the better person.

However, after much debate in his head, he concluded that he shouldn't feel bad for Eleanor. She's crossed so many lines, and despite how awful Louis felt about being rude to her, she's definitely disrespected his boundaries and he wasn't going to put up with her sillyness.

However the question of attending her party was a bit on his head; he knew that his appearance was not expected anymore, and that he really didn't have to go if he didn't want to, but he going still crossed his mind.

Yes he concluded that he felt bad about her, but being the forgiving fool that he is, he wanted to be the bigger person and attend her party in hopes to forgive both her and himself.

Forgive her by showing that okay he's willing to move past everything. Maybe not be her friend, but to atleast show that he forgives her for the things she's done in the past.

Forgive himself in terms of giving himself more character development; showing himself that he could forgive someone like Eleanor and to show that he is genuinely sorry for how he acted.

So after some debate, he told himself that he's attend at seven, just to pop in and show his face, then leave after a five minutes or so.

So yes that was his plan; attend Eleanor's party out of pity, stay for less than ten minutes and drive back him.

He also made a rule that he would not consume any alcohol what so ever so he would be okay to drive himself back home.

So when half six struck, he picked himself up and got dressed quickly, and headed out. He still hadn't eaten, so he decided that he's pick some KFC or pizza on the way back.

To his suprise, the party was very large; bodies of cars parked in the very large driveway, and some on the road itself.

He parked behind a red tesla and walked out once he knew he had everything.

"Uh...." he mumbled when he couldn't even walk through the front door; being pushed from corner to corner until he bumped into someone. He quickly apologized, but rolled his eyes when he saw Harry.

He shouldn't even be suprised that Harry was here, since Harry seems to be everywhere these days.

"Tommo!" He slurred and someone pushed him into Louis, spilling his drink all over his dress shirt (yes he wore a dress shirt to a party, leave him alone it's the only clean thing he had since he has to do the washing tomorrow).

"Harreh!" He yelled and gently pushed him off; hands on  his shoulders as he took a closer look at the younger boy. "Are you drunk?" He asked and Harry nodded, smiling.

"Missed me so much that you decided to follow me here?" Harry said and pulled Louis in a room where it was just the two of them.

Louis didn't know whose room this is, and was about to walk out, but he got pushed onto the bed and Harry locking the door behind him.

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