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'It's in your bones man you had to fight it...'

"Came out of no-where, now pigs are flying"



"I think I'm going to uh....head out right now." Harry told Lewis more than Louis like he intended; slapping Louis' ass then proceeded to walk past Louis with the biggest smile on his face, trying to push aside his embarrassment.

"Sleeping with your student now-a guy too?" Lewis asked, crossing his arms with a disappointed look on his face once Louis pulled his pants up and adjusting his hard on in his boxers.

"Shut up." Louis said and tried to hide his face away from his brother, cock twitching because he could still feel Harry's mouth wrapped around him and he felt so hot.

"It's not my place to judge, but your student Louis!?"

"He's 18." Louis tried to defend even though he knew in his heart that what he did was so incredibly wrong and inappropriate.

"Harry Styles. Harry fucking Styles." Louis chanted in disbelief, shaking his head, not being able to process that his homophobic brother was not only found sleeping with a guy, but also a student that he's known since he was 18 and had a hatered for, for years.

"What are you even doing in my house?!" Louis yelled once he realized that Louis basically broke into his house.

"Came to drop this in for you." Lewis dropped a letter on thr table and Louis took a look at it.

It was for his parents, and he didn't know wheather or not he should be anymore bitter about their sudden intrest in his life.

He walked out on his parents a year after Lewis did; a bit too old and too tired to put up with their manipulative behaviour.

They were so cruel; so hateful. No wonder Louis came out the way he did.

"What the hell do they want?" Louis asked but opened the letter anyway, rolling his eyes at what was written.

His mother is turning fifty five this year, and she wants to have a huge party to celebrate this milestone. She's inviting her brothers and sisters, a few aunts and heck even announced that Lottie would be having a gender reveal session for her baby.

Louis didn't even know that she was pregnant, but wasn't too suprised since she got married two years ago.

"Are you going?" Lewis asked and hopped onto the kitchen counter. "No. If you are tell Lottie congrats on the baby, and let me know the gender. But I'd rather puke my eyes out rather than see our parents again."

"They're not that bad."

"Congrats, but I didn't ask for your opinion."

"You know just because you got caught fucking your student's mouth that doesn't mean that you've got to be a bitch."

Louis rolled his eyes and told his brother to never speak of it again, feeling his stomach curl and his breakfast coming up.

He felt sick; so ill for even allowing Harry to come near him like that. He promised to never let his needs get the best of him again and push Harry off when he most likely does it again.

"Just came to drop this in. You're lucky that they haven't figured out your address. Otherwise you'd get this letter delivered here personally and probably another stack full of their apologies."

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