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Louis knows that what him and Harry did was wrong; beyond inappropriate and could literally get him in jail, or even on the front of the newspaper.

Something along the line of, 'highschool teacher found guilty of having a sexual relationship with a student at Bridgewood Private College' or something along those lines.

Throught that entire night, that kiss was on Louis' mind-it didn't help that he was at a party where everyone was either snogging eachothers face's off, or on the verge of having sex. Because anywhere he looked, at any couple, his mind would drift of the the eighteen year old boy, and how needy he was of his touch.

He felt perverted and disgusting; a almost 30 year old pedophile that was hunting down a little kid that was barely an adult.

Louis felt so nasty, that he wasn't sure if he would ever be able to forgive himself for touching his student like that, and how he much he craved for it.

He wanted to get out of this party as soon as possible, and after asking around he found Eleanor drunk, doing shots with a boy's hand hanging loosely around her waist and another with his hand around her neck.

She looked wicked; somewhat decent makeup, dressed in a crop top that worked well in showing of her curvy figure and a tight mini skirt that did her ass justice.

Louis didn't like her that much, but she looked absolutely attractive. And Louis was proud of her; proud that she's able to be physically beautiful while inside she's lacking in that aspect.

Harry's better looking though, and you know it.


Eleanor may be attractive, but does she make your cock hard like your student did?

Louis looked down and whimpered at how tight his pants are, looking at the direction he came from before turning back to Eleanor who still wasn't aware of his presence.

He debated for a while, but after a long thought he decided to walk up to her and gently pat her shoulder, gaining her attention.

She grinned and falled into Louis' arms, hugging in the same spot that Harry did just moments ago, and Louis tried to ignore how uncomfortable he felt to have her touch her in the same spot Harry did.

"You cameeeee." She slurred and pushed one of the guys away when they tried to touch her. "Sorry boys, my boyfriend is here." Louis' eyes widen and he looked around in hope that nobody heard that, as if it was an insult.

"Eleanor, I just stopped by to uh...well, I thought you were saying the truth, so I came here to check in on you, but I guess you've been delt with accordingly." Louis told her and gently pushed her away, walking in the direction that he came in.

As he mixed through the bodies of people, a hand interrupted him. Thinking it was Eleanor he shook it off, but when his skin brushed against the other person's, he spun around and caught Harry in his arms-tumbling a bit but managed his balance.

"Are you okay?" Louis asked and pressed his the back of his hand to Harry's neck and frowned at how hot his skin was. "I don't feel well." He said and glared at the steps beside them.

"Marcel's too busy snogging Arthur, and I wanna go home. Can you take me there?" Louis sighed and nodded without hesitation, helping Harry to his car.

He buckled Harry's seatbelt and drove out, passing by a KFC where he decided he wanted to eat. He glanced at Harry, who was asleep. So he quickly went in and bought his food, happy that when he returned Harry was still asleep.

A few minutes later and he was pulling into his driveway and tugged Harry inside on his couch, then returned to his car for his dinner and was suprised when he saw that Harry wasn't on the couch where he placed him.

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