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Thank you all sm for over 5K reads! It means so much to me :) I'm finally back permanently, after abandoning this story for almost two years. Be aware for future updates :) enjoy <3


Normally Louis would enjoy his Friday morning; seeing the sunrise, the thrill of getting ready for work-mostly because he always wakes up either five to twenty minutes late and that gets his heart pumping, all the extra running to get ready in time.

Still, Louis would normally enjoy his Friday mornings, or any morning really, but this morning he honestly wanted to bang his head against a piece of iron until the day ended.

Forcing himself to start his morning routine, Louis could only watch the already bright sun in sorrow and pray to god that everything would end, or play smoothly tonight.

Eleanor's birthday party that Louis is being forced to attend.


He's being forced; a leash tied around his neack and Eleanor tugging him to her house where he knew he'd have to drown himself drunk in order to atleast enjoy himself.

However, Eleanor wasn't the only reason why today felt so disappointing.

One week.

One fucking week since Harry Styles last appeared in school-technically one school week and one day.

Louis couldn't believe that Harry could actually draw the balls to stay home from school for an entire week, espically without leaving a trail. His friends had no idea where he was, and his parents left in the dust from what Louis' orginally thought, but Monday, when the school voiced their concerns, his mother explained that Harry no longer lives with them, and is now moving in with Marcel.

When word got around, Louis felt relief because he knows now that Harry is safe, and is just taking some time to move in. But when a few days flew by and he wasn't there, and Ms. Alvarez assured that he's still enrolled, well, to say that a panic engrossed into Louis would be an understatement.

He blamed himself a little, thinking that maybe he creeped Harry out a bit by trying to get to know him, and that this was his escape from Louis' weird behaviour.

Heck, Louis wasn't sure why he cared that much. Like yes, he understood why he got involved-he'd do that for any of his students, but he knows that he went over a few boundaries as his teacher.

However after not seeing Harry for so long, he genuinely missed the curly haired boy. He missed that taunts, the playfullness and his clingyness even though it annoyed him so much.

Currently, he's back in the comfort of his own home. He didn't have a reason to intrude on Lewis any longer, so he packed his shit up and left.

Along side that, his neighbour is apparently renovating the downstairs portion of her house, so it's been noisy ever since. And when he tried to argue that she could atleast be a bit more considerate by having work done in the day, rather than at night, that didn't go too well.

Let's just say just because someone is elderly and could barely walk, that doesn't mean that they're nice. Like at all.

He never knew that an old lady could argue and swear so much. He really didn't.

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