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Thanks so much for the feedback on the last chapter! Really glad you're enjoying the book so far! <3

Louis on the side!

Thanks for 100+ reads on the prologue! Wasn't expecting this to do so well, so thanks alot for that <3

I don't really know much about the schooling system, so just go along with this-literally how I want their ages to be/timeline. Don't hate on it to much lol.

This is in the Caribbean schooling system, so they have five years of highschool. Just a little note.

I'm not to proud of this, but I hope you still find it readable and like it <3

You may read now <3


Harry couldn't help himself but stare at his school as his driver pulled into the parking lot. He didn't really want to be at school today, he just had an off feeling about today. Not in a bad way, but he wasn't sure if it was a good one either.

He smiled at the driver and thanked him, coming out of the car and going into school where he found his friends waiting for him in the cafe.

His presence alone made heads turn in his direction and girls eyeing him like a piece of meat even though he is openly gay. He didn't mind them though, he was ignored them and greeted his friends.

"I feel like we haven't spoken in forever." Luke complained lightly, untangling himself from Nialls arm and giving him a hug.

"I know, my parents are being ridiculous about this entire thing. I get that I need to do well, but their going at it the wrong way." Zayn nodded and handed him his cigarette, asking if he wanted a shot at it which Harry gladly took.

"I hate them, and everybody at this fucking school except for all of you. Everybody else could go to hell." Louis walked into the cafe, walking up to the cafe lady and asking her for a water. Harry looked at Louis and sighed, taking another drag.

"Everyone else?" Luke gestured to Louis, Harry shook his head and excluded him, saying that he was fine and that besides him and Ms. Alvarez, the other teachers could join the rest of the useless lot of kids.

Luke chuckled and took the cigarette away from Harry, taking a drag himself and handing it back to Harry. "I thought you gave up smoking?"

"My parents still refuse to accept me as bisexual, their giving me extra shit than usual and I need something to relax me. Its either this or drugs."

"I could hook you up if you want?" Harry joked which everyone giggled at, they knew Harry was involved in drugs, but they knew that he wouldn't sell even a drop to any of them. Even as fucked up as his life is, Harry doesn't want them to end up in a miserable life like him.

Yeah Harry has money, but it couldn't give him the happiness he was craving for. It bought him drugs and stuff, but those are just a distraction for him, not pleasure.

"How are things home?" Niall asked, taking a bite of his sandwhich. Harry sighed. "Shit. Mom and dad keep fighting, I think their on the edge of getting a divorce."

"Aw babes I'm sorry, I know that must be hard."

"Actually it would be great. Might finally be able have some silence in the house." Luke gave him a look which he chose to ignore.

"Did you do the Mr. Tomlinson's homework?" Harry's eyes widen, panicing a little. He completely forgot about that-he wasn't as worried though. He's got Zayn.

"Zaynnnnnnn" Zayn rolled his eyes, already declining Harry. "Please! Mr. Tomlinson will be upset with me."

"It's you, he won't be mad."

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