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Sorry for the late upload, it wasn't done in time but here it is :)

My grandmother passed away, so I wasn't motivited to write at all last week, sorry :/

Luke on the side.


Thankfully nobody knew about the project when Harry walked into school that morning. Everyone seemed to be talking about the latest news that Harry didn't really care much to listen to.

Niall didn't pester him much about the tutor because he promised to tell him along with the rest of the group. Luke didn't attend today though, but Niall convinced him to still tell everyone and that he would tell Luke.

School hadn't start yet, but like usual, Harry and Niall joined everyone else at their table in the cafe where they found Zayn smoking a joint and Liam at his side-probably doing homework or something for Zayn. It was anyone's guess really.

Niall waved at them and Harry just sat down without a greeting.

"Well? Are you going to tell us?" Harry glanced at Liam, Zayn rolled his eyes and said that he could say whatever he wanted and to not worry about Liam.

Liam didn't even want to listen what Harry had to say, it was probably stupid anyway.

"Well, my tutor is..." Harry trailed off and Niall hit him on his shoulder, telling him to to just say it so he could move on with his day. "Rude."

"You love me, now talk." Niall demanded slightly. "Fine, it's Mr. Tomlinson." Zayn and Niall gasped, Liam not paying attention what so ever.

"You and Mr. Tomlinson-alone!?"

"Like, I'm happy for you, but what the actual fuck!" Neither Niall nor Zayn knew what they were expecting, but they certainly weren't expecting that answer.

"Well fuck Harry, does that mean we can't fuck anymore?" Zayn asked with actual conern. "Of course not, you'll always be my bitch."

"Fuck yeah I will." Zayn said in relief/proudly even though he wouldn't really care if him and Harry stopped sleeping together.

"Did you atleast wear a condom?"

"I wish, having sex with Mr. Tomlinson would make my entire year." Zayn nodded and announced that he was going to use the bathroom but asked Niall and Harry to keep an eye on Liam and make sure he finishes his Math homework.

Liam physically relaxed once Zayn left, knowing that Niall and Harry didn't really give one shit about him. That doesn't mean he can actually relax though, Niall and Harry would still report back to Zayn.

"He's straight though, right?" Harry shrugged at Niall question. "He says he is, but have you seen that arse of his?"

Niall gave him a look. "You shouldn't judge someone's sexuality based on their physical appearance."

"But yes, I have notice." Niall added but said that it was still wrong. "Fine, but atleast you agree."

Harry didn't have anything else to talk about, so Niall started talking about a date he had planned for him and Luke, something he said caught Harry's full attention though.

"What do you mean by things are changing?"

"We're just growing apart, I'm taking him to where we had our first date to hopefully improve things." Niall sighed at the end. "What if it doesn't help? What will you do then?"

"Probably just break up I think." Harry frowned but said nothing, he didn't want Niall and Luke to break up, they always seemed so happy with one another. It was none of his business though, so he didn't comment on anything.

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