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Hii, I actually edited this chapter and I wrote it in Louis' point of view-something I haven't done in a long while haha.

I'm still working on my grammar rules and stuff, so feel free to correct me and I'll change them :)

Enjoy xx


[Louis POV]

After a rather long, but peaceful sleep in Lewis' guest bedroom, I found myself quite in a rush to arrive to school on time. It's not that I was late or anything; infact, I woke up a bit earlier than I usually would which was very strange considering I hate mornings so much.

Aside from that, I was quite eager to leave because I wanted to check in on Harry. I know that I'm his teacher and stuff, but I'm not going to lie and say that I'm not extremely worried about him. Even though it made zero sense for my early arrival, I know myself, and I know that if I don't get my arse in that school as soon as possible I'd be nagged by an annoying voice in my head.

So quickly I got myself showered and dressed; brushing my teeth very harsh, but quickly.

When I arrived to the kitchen for breakfast, I tried to locked eyes with Lewis whom was checking his phone with a egg frying in a pan, and the kettle on. He didn't acknowledge my arrival, nor did he look up from his phone.

I coughed which gained his attention, giving him a small smile and greeting him properly. I asked what he was preparing out of politeness, but I could already tell because everything looked finished and prepared aside from his egg that was cooking.

He gazed at the pan and said that he's making fried eggs with toast, he wasn't sure if I liked coffee so he was waiting for me to turn up so he could ask.

"Yeah, a cup of coffee wouldn't hurt, I think." I said as I threw my jacket ontop of a stool, watching him prepare another cup. "How come you're dressed so early?"

"Just felt like it." Lewis took off the kettle and poured the water in, taking care of the food, and placing everything ontop of the table before giving me a skeptical look that I made sure to shut down with a confused one.

"Really? That's odd." I shrugged it off and started up a conversation about the most random things, trying to change the topic that was thankfully brushed off and easily forgotten.

After finishing my food I placed my dirty dishes into the sink, washing them then wishing Lewis my goodbyes, announcing that I was leaving now.

"Mind picking up a few things from the store for me on your way back? I'm working a late shift at the bar and the store will be closed by then."

"Sure, just text me the list."

"Alright, bye Louis."

"Bye Lewis, stay safe." And with that I was off, starting up my car and driving away.

I listend to the radio the entire ride there, humming to whatever song was on that I knew and even singing along to a few aswell. I didn't really know alot since I hardly listen to it, but there were a few good ones that I took a mental note on which I could later download or something.

My mind was at peace once I arrived at the school; I unlocked the main door aswell as the classes, heading into the teacher's lounge to pass some time until people started showing up showed.

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