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'It has been a very intresting day back at work for Louis; Harry forgetting his promise, showing Louis that his word was nothing but a white line.'

It was something that Louis wanted to say-something that he was sure would happen. But he was proven wrong that day.

Harry talked amongest his friends the entire day, never once abandoning them in any sort of circumstance to follow Louis around and get on his nerves.

It was strange, and Louis was pleasently suprised that Harry didn't even throw a lustful glance the entire day. Even when he ran away and hid away in his class to escapse studyhall-- which they usually use whenever a teacher is absent, in this case it is Mr. Holland--he just sat there; legs and arms folded in Louis' chair as Louis taught the 11th graders.

The older man found it strange-so strange. And for the rest of day he waited, he waited almost like he was waiting for something in Harry to trip of and for him to just do something.

He thought Harry was going to pull his usual stunt during lunch when he walked into the teacher's lounge and pulled Louis' aside to ask him a question. Still, he was wrong, because all Harry wanted was a ride back.

Louis wasn't going to lie about how he felt when Harry did pull him out of the lounge; he felt so happy-like he was being wanted to bounce off the walls like a cartoon character, and Harry was just strapping him down, preventing him from doing so, with the itching words that Louis was anticipating-but they never came.

When Louis agreed, he walked back with away with the most confused look on his face. Eleanor pointed it out and asked when Harry wanted, and why he looked like he was having a stroke because of it. He dismissed her concerns and continued with his lunch.

For the rest of the day Harry just left him alone. Even during their period together, nothing. It was odd, and even the students were talking about it during Louis' class.

Of course he scolded them for talking in his class while he was trying to teach them about circle theroms, but just like the students, Louis remained in a mystery why Harry is being serious about his promise.

There were countless times Harry pRoMiSeD he'd leave Louis alone-and they never fell through. However this time is obviously different, and Louis knew he wasn't okay with it.

He didn't want to admit it to himself but he had too-he had to accept the fact that he needed Harry to be his annoying self. He needed Harry to just goof of, fool around, tear and yell around the class and really just be destructive.

He taught his classes the best of his ability, but he knew that it wasn't his best. Because of today he realized how dependant he is on Harry-how much he needed and wanted the chaos that came with the curly haired teen.

He was in the middle of packing up when Mrs. Alveraz told him that Harry would like to continue tutoring sessions and that he's willing to pay him extra for taking up his time.

Louis was beyond suprised-he wondered at that moment if I died and went to heaven, or maybe hell because life without Harry Styles is just painful and hard.

"You uh...talked about the tutoring sessions to your aunt..." Louis said rather than asked like he intended once Harry was in the car, buckled up and about to pull out of the drive way.

Harry hummed. "Hope you don't mind-"

"I don't! Trust me, I don't." Louis blurted out and he felt pathetic. "Good to know." Harry smirked and placed his phone is his bookbag, exchanging it to show him a list of topics that he needed help with.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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